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With the upload of Xianyun early this morning, I have generally finished my latest batch of waifus in January. There are roughly about 2700+ images in the batch. As subscribers here you will get all the images in the set for sure. Just let you know in the last month, I held a competition event on Twitter/X that:

 1. I will upload 288 waifu images in 24H starting 0:00 Febuary 1st, US Eastern time.  (1 pic every 5min)

 2. To make it even for all the girls, I added Illya set part 3 into the competition to make it a competition of 24 girls, and each girl will have 12 pics.

3. I will give out the set of the waifu who gets the most likes in a week for free after sharing all 288 pics.

I know the event will have minimal effect on you guys but if you are interested in joining the crowd and seeing if the girl you like can win the event, just feel free to take a look of my X/Twitter account:


Another important announcement is: we will soon have a mascot girl representing our channel. I am working on it for a while and we can ask her to do some cosplay of our favorite anime/game characters afterward. I am sure you will like her! 


  1. 2月1日の0:00(米国東部標準時)から24時間で288枚のワイフ画像をアップロードします(5分に1枚)。
  2. 全ての女の子に公平を期すため、イリヤセットのパート3をコンペティションに加え、24人の女の子で競争させ、それぞれの女の子には12枚の画像があります。
  3. 288枚の画像を全て共有した後、1週間で最もいいねを獲得したワイフのセットを無料で提供します。

このイベントが皆さんに大きな影響を与えることはないかもしれませんが、好きな女の子がこのイベントで勝つかどうかを見たいと思うなら、私のX/Twitterアカウントを自由にご覧ください: https://twitter.com/StellineOrb



  1. 我将从2月1日美国东部时间午夜开始,在24小时内上传288张老婆图片(每5分钟一张)。
  2. 为了让所有女孩都公平,我加入了Illya套图第3部分参加比赛,使之成为24个女孩的比赛,每个女孩将有12张图片。
  3. 分享完所有288张图片后,一周内获得最多点赞的老婆的套图我将免费送出。





Wai Choon Wong
