Thank you ♥ (Patreon)
This post is just a HUGE thank you to you, my dear patron because thanks to you not only am I able to live the artist's dream of making a living from my art but also thanks to your support I have been able to purchase these beautiful 3D backgrounds to use in the comic and improve its quality.
I put, for example, those pages from Tusk Reverse so you can notice the difference. My drawing style may not be the best but at least I try to improve day by day and although it may seem silly, the backgrounds help a lot to make the comic look better.
Without your support I would not have been able to buy them! So, thank you very much.
Soon I will buy a new model to use in TOP, for Daniel and James' house, I am looking for the perfect mansion for them haha.
BTW, fun little fact.
The model I used for Daniel and Fang's mansion is the same one that the author of the JINX manwha used for Choi Heeseung's house XD