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  • Mermaid HD.mp4



Its done! With the pink hair she ended up looking more like ariel than I intended but I like the colors too much to change it now.

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Holy crap, lovely work. The colors are gorgeous and I think you nailed the timing on the tail flip. How'd you pull off the white foam in the water? Is that hand drawn too?


Thank you!!! Im glad you like it. The water is a scrolling texture with some deformers applied. Basically the same way a lot of video game textures work using displacement maps. Btw the clouds work the same way, just with a different texture and more deformers.

Sam Tung

Gorgeous -- the clouds remind me a bit of Franklin Booth. It seems you don't do a lot of construction/underdrawing but head straight in with exterior/contour lines?


Thank you! Yea I was looking at franklin booth for inspiration. I always wanted to try and animate clouds like these. And yes, I tend to prefer to work out the details of a drawing in the linework and keep the sketch rather rough. I find it keeps the process more interesting and the linework fresh!