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It's almost Summer, and there are a lot of new cadets in the police force. Judy is assigned by the chief to give the newbies some swimming lessons. Just hope they not lose their focus.


Two piece swimsuit
One piece swimsuit
Two piece swimsuit


Mr hot Foxy

Sexy bunny. ❤️


I always chuckle when I see people talking about how it’s “almost summer” in March, because where I am we’ve still got at least another month of garbage weather as winter refuses to let go. I’ve got 18” of snow in my yard right now. I WISH it was almost summer




I’ll trade you, but fair warning, it comes with a polar vortex pretty much every year. Two weeks of -10F (-23C) ambient with -40F/C wind chills.

Mr hot Foxy

If you ever have to dig yourself out of your house at 3 a.m. to get to work, you'll be glad about climate change.


How well hung are the newbies?


She's gorgeous Pakwan ! Love how you do effects for wet furs !


They're trying their best... Especially when they are wearing their swim trunks X3


Man, I wish I live in a place where it’s summer all year long. That means I won’t be forced to stay indoors during winter.


There’s our favorite cop bunny showing off some sexy swimwear! The bikini is the best one out of the two. Now we just need her favorite fox to join her. 🥰

Prof. Farnsworth

Now, the backview would be interesting :D

Mr hot Foxy

I hope Nick enjoys the sexy bunny ass. And maybe someone will suck on the boobs too (Gazelle)?