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More character habits - how they are in relationships.


Despite being confident in a lot of areas of life, relationships are one area where Noel has less confidence than any of the others. He's not worryingly unsure of himself in relationships but he does sometimes feel romance isn't always his forte. Meanwhile, Kav is somehow at the top of the confidence list. Though he's just confident in all areas of life really.

The ones with the overlapping circles all really share the same central spot in this regard.


Asher isn't the sort to be angrily possessive. More like once he has his sights on someone, he's just a bit like "Mine. Shoo. >=(" - meanwhile Raif is his polar opposite. Due to his empathic ability, he really feels no need to possessive because he's always confident where he stands...

Yren is much the same and Kav is just...himself. Raif shares about the same spot with Kav here.


It's no surprise that Asher is a bit clingy in relationships. Noel can be but it's mostly due to his insecurities and need to be a mother hen. Yren is the one who needs the most space because of how easily he is overwhelmed by the emotions of others.


And once again, Asher's place on the chart surprises no one. Same for Yren. He is less prone to physical contact because of how it can affect him and others. Raif and Noel are dead centre here where they're fine with some PDA but nothing too overt. Kav and Daaz are a little more comfortable with being a bit more affectionate in public.



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