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Hello everyone! Time for this week's update! Some cool updates this week!

Let's jump in!


  • Finished Kav's playthrough

  • Coded all of Asher's expressions

  • Coded all of Daaz's expressions

  • Coded all of Noel's expressions

  • Worked on the flowcharts...


The big feature of this week is the flowchart! Now that I have the code for plug in itself I've been working on setting up the flowchart for chapter one. It's not a huge amount of work per se - not in general. 

But this is a brand new plug in that was built for me but expanded for general use so Feniks can later release it as a publicly available dev tool. It has a lot of features. And that means it has some bugs.

I've been working on that bit by bit since acquiring the tool. There are still several things I have to add to this screen - for instance, being able to navigate between chapters. There's also some testing that has to happen with actually unlocking the individual flowchart nodes. 

And adding scrollbars to the flowchart view port. Right now you can click and drag it around but obviously I want scrollbars there too.

(It's impossible to see the cursor since screen caps refuse to capture them but this is the flowchart at the moment. The tooltips on hover will tell you what the scene is.)

As you can probably tell from the huge + and - on the side, you can zoom in and out. This allows you to zoom out and see the entire flowchart for a given chapter at once, which was something you couldn't do with Gilded Shadows. Given how big some of the flowcharts are, this is really helpful for just getting a feel for the whole chapter rather than being only able to see a small portion at a time.

We also have a collapsible menu on the left that allows for chapter navigation as more flowcharts get added in though this menu is currently non functional. Ha ha.

Play Testing

Finished Kav's play test. I only have Daaz and Asher left and I haven't started either since I've just been busy with other stuff.

I don't know that I made any big edits during Kav's test run. Mostly just smoothed out a little bit of inconsistency here and there, as usual.

Nothing big to report here. Unless you all want me to regale you about the error that crashed the game that was very, very, very, very long. And David (default autovoice) decided to read THE WHOLE THING.

Then wouldn't stop.

Even after I shut down the game.

Even after I shut down Renpy.

And I had to restart my computer to make David finally stop reading the error. Because he was DETERMINED.

Ah. Fun times.


Upcoming Week

  • Start Daaz's playtest

  • Edit and code bonus scenes since those got put on hold due to flowcharts.

  • Finish flowcharts?? Maybe?

  • Finish Noel's CG which is like 90% complete.

Not sure what else I will get done but the flowchart will be eating a lot of my focus this week I think. And that is all for now. We are getting there. My to do list has dwindled to just a few things. So I'm focusing on ticking each one off as quickly as I can so I can release the beta version to the appropriate Patreon tiers.

See you next week.


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