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Hello everyone! This is just to let you know that the beta test version of Episode 2 will be coming very soon to Black Tea Patrons.

Most likely tomorrow or the day after. I'm going to try to get the guide updated by then as well.

Beta this time around will last a bit longer than it did last time as will early access.

I do not have all the CGs and artwork complete yet. These will be updated during beta and early access. The bonus story is also not yet complete.

I'll be working to get those things done during the beta and early access phase.

However, all the main story content and expressions and things like that are done.

They can be enjoyed and tested as is.

The beta test does contain all of Chapter 3 and all of Chapter 4. And as was true previously, content for later episodes and chapters are not available in the game or game code.

So yeah, keep an eye out for that in upcoming days if you are a Black Tea patron!


Mad Taem

Question: Is there a way to play the demo or beta on a Linux system? All I see are windows and Apple :') Thank you!

Steamberry Studio

I should be able to create a build but my main issue is that I have zero way to test it on my end. That means if you find a genuine game-breaking bug that isn't immediately identifiable (like a misplaced comma or something), I have absolutely no way to attempt to reproduce and fix it. I can, however, create and upload a build that should be playable on Linux. My ability to support it properly will be limited.

Mad Taem

Oh my god. You are amazing! I will keep my fingers crossed for no bugs that are too bad. 🤞 I just finished playing Changeling and Gilded Shadows on Steam and when I saw this one in the making, I needed to play. Been watching for a while on Patreon but finally had the balls to ask about Linux since I finished the other two games :') Thank you so much.

Steamberry Studio

I will be able to upload a market build (which includes a linux version) for the beta but I can't update the *current* public content with it because there is now new content in the source code that is not retroactively removeable and I don't want code divers to be able to look in the game and see episode 2 content before it's ready for public release. But for the current beta and the future public builds I will include it.

Mad Taem

The only reason I haven't subscribed as a beta tier is because there wasn't a Linux version. 😭🤍 Now I can. Thank you! Don't want code divers doing that either!

Mad Taem

Just downloaded it! It worksssss! Thank you so much 😭🤍 Gonna play tomorrow after work!