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Least Favorite "Type" of Love Interest

  • Cold and remote intellectual 3
  • Angry and possessive bad-boy 20
  • Bad-boy (with a heart of gold) 0
  • Flirty/Seductive Womanizer 11
  • Childhood friend 0
  • Ball of sunshine 4
  • Shy and quiet cinnamon roll 1
  • Outgoing airhead 3
  • Clumsy but sincere sweetheart 3
  • Boy next door 3
  • Unstable maniac 15
  • OTHER (you better post if you choose this. >=C ) 0
  • 2018-06-14
  • 63 votes
{'title': 'Least Favorite "Type" of Love Interest', 'choices': [{'text': 'Cold and remote intellectual', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Angry and possessive bad-boy', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Bad-boy (with a heart of gold)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Flirty/Seductive Womanizer', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Childhood friend', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Ball of sunshine', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Shy and quiet cinnamon roll ', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Outgoing airhead ', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Clumsy but sincere sweetheart', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Boy next door', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Unstable maniac', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'OTHER (you better post if you choose this. >=C )', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 14, 18, 17, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 63}


In this poll, we're offering the same types  before, but this time you can select your top 2-3 least favorites. Again, we'd really love to know why you dislike them - or, at least, why you're least drawn to these types.

Cold and remote intellectual - often glasses wearing, sometimes sarcastic but sometimes just emotionally distant. These characters are smart, serious and typically not at all interested in the MC at first. They are often blunt to the point of meanness. They excel in studies and often look down on those who can't keep up academically. Is often given an air of mystery.

Angry and possessive bad-boy - Often speaking with biting sarcasm, these guys tend to be blunt, angry and sometimes outright mean. But once they're interested in the MC, they are possessive and will say things like "only look at me", "don't smile at others", etc. They're also the ones that like to slam the MC against walls a lot. NOTE: They're not always "bad boys", but often are. Another 'mysterious' character type.

Bad-boy (with a heart of gold) - This guy has the appearance of a bad boy, typically scares people away, but is usually just misunderstood and actually does things like help little old ladies across the street and feed stray kittens in his spare time. He may be prone to scuffling with other people, but has a good heart and is actually a quite decent person once you get to know him.

Flirty/Seductive Womanizer - Known for either flirting with everyone, or having dated a lot. Comes across as insincere due to the way he flirts with every girl he sees. Often has a fan-club of desperate girls who will attack anyone he seems to genuinely care for. Makes the MC feel uncertain a lot since she can't tell if he's serious about her or not.

Childhood friend - That guy the MC has known all her life. Typically, he's very 'normal' and doesn't stand out compared to other love interests. He's supportive, friendly and often teases the MC to cover up how completely in love with her he is. Tends to pine for her from the sidelines. 

Ball of sunshine - A love interest that is outgoing, sweet, friendly, optimistic. Often they are hiding some dark secret that involves a personal failing, an inner uncertainty, or a tragic back story. Sometimes their outward behavior is a deliberate attempt to conceal their inner sadness while other times, they are a genuinely sweet and optimistic person despite whatever they're dealing with.

Shy and quiet cinnamon roll - A love interest that is shy, quiet and, often, has a deep inferiority complex. They typically don't believe themselves 'good enough' or 'worthy' of attention or love. Often, they have a tragic back story of some kind. Usually the shyness is a result of insecurity rather than their simply being an introvert. Usually a very kind person who just needs help coming out of their shell a little.

Outgoing airhead - This characters has a big overlap with the "ball of sunshine" character, except they tend to be louder, hyper, and behaves in a more childish way overall. Like the ball of sunshine, they usually have a dark secret of some kind that makes it difficult for them to genuinely get close to other people (even though they're often very popular.)

Clumsy but sincere sweetheart - This character is a bit awkward and unsure of himself but is a very sincere, sweet person. They are often very insecure which may cause them to withdraw because they feel they aren't good enough for the MC - or just cause them to overreact or misunderstand situations surrounding the MC. Tries hard, but usually needs a lot of encouragement. 

Boy next door - A genuinely sweet, kind, all-around good guy. He's supportive, generous, smart, funny, etc. Drama usually stems from  him having a dark side or dark secret - or some kind of weird misunderstanding involving one of the two characters thinking they aren't good enough for the other/not noticing how the other one feels. I feel like "Boy next door" and "Childhood Friend" often overlap.

Unstable maniac - That crazy guy that is either in love with you or wants to kill you and wear your skin. Possibly both. Sometimes has "multiple personalities." Usually likes knives. Makes a hobby of confusing the MC by alternating between being threatening and affectionate. Basically, a yandere.



Unstable maniac and possessive boyfriend for reasons we have discussed before on our discord chat. Nearly all of characters with this type of personality desplay red flags early on in the relationship. It often makes me feel like the MC is in a toxic relationship since they end up being hurt or killed if they stand up to the LI (in most otomes anyway) and the player has no option but to play passive and nice if they want the good end. The boy next door.... I dont really dislile this type but i find that they are often bland and miss that little something to make me fall for them. They end up just feeling like good friends rather than something more

Alison Bradley

I don't like the angry bad boy because a woman is a person, not an object! >O So it creeps me out when the boys are like "you can't look at any other male character, you're mine alone." And the unstable maniac is just.... creepsville x 1000. No thank you!

Steamberry Studio

Weirdly enough, I think I hate "womanizer" characters even more than the angry-possessive type. Most games try to make the womanizer somehow sympathetic but they always come across as so shallow and insincere to me. I typically can't stand them. If there's an obvious "womanizer" character in the game, I usually play their route last because they just piss me off so much. LoL I guess this means we have to include a womanizer in one of our games so I can attempt to make this person actually likable. Haha. I am REALLY dubious if that's possible though. OxO;

Steamberry Studio

I'm always just like "YOU REALIZE I HAVE TO LOOK AT OTHER PEOPLE SO I DONT RUN INTO THEM RIGHT???" or when they're like "Only smile at me >=CCC" and I'm just like "Dude, smiling at people is natural. Stop being a controlling weirdo." I do understand the appeal of this type in character form - the idea of a guy who loves you so much he wants you to himself is kind of nice for the ego. I still always want to smack characters like that, though. LoL

Steamberry Studio

Yeah, it makes me feel uncomfortable to play out what appears to be a genuinely toxic relationship. I remember a scene in one game where one guy gets jealous and grabs the MC's wrist hard enough she cries out in pain. Then there's this awkward apology scene that reads like it came right out of an article on abusive relationships. It was just uncomfortable for me. And yeah, I do think that the 'boy next door' type is often seen as lacking complexity so people aren't usually drawn to them. OxO I know games are not real life and there are so many arguments against the idea that games mold real life behavior so I think it's disingenuous to say


I personally have never felt attracted to or repulsed by womanizers. I'm just flat neutral towards them and play their routes just to experience the full game. The only womanizer i've ever liked was Yuri from Nameless

Steamberry Studio

I *loathed* Yuri. I played his route because I had to. I hated how he continued to use pet names for the MC even though she repeatedly asked him not to. He even did it at the school, knowing it would cause issues for her there. That drove me nuts. SO RUDE. I played his entire route thinking "LET ME SMACK THIS JERK" LoL

Amanda Scoggins

I recently finished a f2p phone otome where the LI was both the controlling type and a womanizer (the two options I picked). I literally wooped for joy when I got the "bad end" and dumped the asshole. As for why I played the game when I hated the LI, it's part of a series I'm enjoying and it's the only game in the series that spends time actually developing the relationship between MC and her two best friends. So I was in it for the side characters.


I swear I'm the only one who likes flirty womanizers. I said my least favourite are unstable maniac because I don't see the appeal in yanderes because it seems toxic and dangerous. And I'm not really fond of cold intellectuals because I'm not fond of tsundere's in my experience