Update and Plans (Patreon)
Hey everyone! I just wanted to quickly pop in and update patreon because, let's face it, with the release of Changeling like....IMMINENT...Sprocket and I have been a little distracted. As Changeling releases and we turn our attention to finishing up some of the additional content and Kickstarter rewards, we'll definitely be posting some of those sneak peeks and things over here for you guys to glimpse before that stuff is finished.
We're not really going to be working on Endgame in earnest until after the rewards are done, but there's a lot of planning to be done and it's easy to mentally plan projects while doing things like art book layout stuff.
So I'm certain we'll be posting some snippets and plans for Endgame as well. (Also, there's at least a bit of writing already done - as well as lots of world building - so that stuff will show up here as well.)
In addition...we're also thinking about the things we've learned from making Changeling and the things we'd like to do differently for our next project - or just things we'd like to add in.
For instance, we kind of want to make the next visual novel more interactive - Changeling, as our first project, is pretty 'safe.' It is a basic visual novel with no gameplay elements other than collecting/unlocking content and making choices.
For Endgame, we definitely want to step things up without stepping into completely new territory. I think a mistake a lot of indie groups make is that their second project is *totally* different from their first. And I don't want to do that. But I do want to also experiment with various types of gameplay and player interaction so that Endgame is just that much more interesting and fun.
We'll definitely be running some polls to see what everyone thinks about certain ideas we have regarding that sort of thing.
So yeah...Patreon will become more active in the next couple of weeks once Changeling's launch is under way. We really hope you guys are looking forward to some of the glimpses at more extra content for Changeling, as well as looks at where Steamberry Studio will be heading in the future.
Thanks for your support until now! Love you guys!