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More Options for Customisation?

  • Yes! More skin tones! 3
  • Yes! More hair colors! 2
  • Yes to both! 6
  • I don't think it's needed. 0
  • 2019-07-29
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'More Options for Customisation?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes! More skin tones!', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Yes! More hair colors!', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Yes to both! ', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "I don't think it's needed.", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 29, 5, 51, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 11}


So I've been contemplating our character customisation page....

Specifically, I've been contemplating more options.

Here is what we have so far:

Now I know what you guys are going to say - because you always say it. That it's fine the way it is, that I shouldn't make more work for myself...etc.

But I'm not asking about the workload. It's my job to manage that - and I wouldn't ask about this if I didn't think it was manageable. So I want you guys to focus on whether you think:

-it's *needed*

-you would just *want* it

-or it would add *value* to the game.


Here are my thoughts. Five skin tones can't possible encapsulate the full range of skin colors humans possess. Honestly, I can't include them all anyway. But I can expand the range from 5 to...maybe 7 or 8? I could put in another "light" skin color, but with more golden undertones instead of pink.

I could also put another skin tone (or two) - maybe actually between "medium" and "medium dark" because "medium dark" and "dark" are actually not as far from each other as "medium" and "medium dark" 

I was also thinking of the potential of more hair colors. I'm not totally sure what I'd add? Maybe a strawberry blonde, more mid-blonde/light brown? A lighter red?

Right now, the MC is - at best - semi-customisable. She'll never be fully customisable. What I cannot manage is gender, body type or hairstyle. I can manage recolors for her skin and hair.


I don't really want to include eye color for several reasons - 

The big one is this, though.

There already 45 sets of eyes in Morgan's file. Now, every time time I add a skin tone...that increases by 9.

So this can give you an idea of how recoloring works - if I add two skin tones, that means that the number of eye files (this applies to mouths and eyebrows too - but there are a different amount of those) goes up to 63. Now, this isn't as crazy as it sounds. It's just recoloring.  To completely recolor the bases and face features twice is a couple of hours of work. Coding it will be fairly easy.

But the moment I add in eye color as a customisation option - eye files start increasing exponentially. 

Now, Morgan has two sets of eyes that are closed - so you can't see the color of those. We'd actually have only 49 eye files that would need to be recolored for iris color customisation.

7 skin tones + (hypothetically) blue, brown, green and grey in 7 expressions for each eye color...on each skin tone means that Morgan would have 196 eye files.

Just eyes. 

So that's why I haven't really wanted to include eye color. It's just a lot of files to juggle. 

This brings me back to why I'm thinking of expanding Morgan's color palette for hair and skin.

If all the player can choose is those two physical features, it might be nice to have a wider selection rather than a smaller selection.

Anyway - I wanted to toss it to you guys to hear your thoughts though! Vote and tell me what you think below!



Pixie Danger

Additional hair colours could be fun but I don't think they're necessary or would really add much to the game for me unless maybe the new options were unnatural colours. I do think more skin tones could be a great addition though! While there's already a good range of options for customising Morgan, I'd be really interested to see more skin tones for her, to further reflect and support the awesome diversity amongst the rest of the main and supporting characters so far.

Foxy Dangerfluff Addams

I would definitely like to see two or three more skin tones, for a broader range, and ultimately I think that is the more important addition/expansion. However, I'd also rather like to see two or three more hair colors in something a bit more out there. I feel like it would be a fun way to really get into the character, especially depending on personality blend. I can absolutely envision a bold/emotional MC making the decision to change her hair color just because she could. Also, I have to admit that if there were 5 hair color choices and 7 or 8 skin tone ones, the imbalance in the menu would bother me, but that's a personal quirk. XD


I personally would be more interested in more skin tones, so that's what I picked. More hair colours would be nice, too, of course, but not necessary.

Steamberry Studio

I was thinking about adding the possibility of streaks or something rather than fully dyed hair because I really just can't see Morgan coloring her hair something outrageous. LoL But obviously, that's just one possibility.

Steamberry Studio

I agree that the skin tones are more important (and are the driving factor behind this thought), but thought about including more hair options for visual balance on the menu.

Steamberry Studio

Interesting. The poll is balanced anyway - but it's interesting the comments aren't really into the hair color options. LoL


I'm late but I think that skin tones are a lot more important as people have already said as it feels more of value that people can choose closer to their own and hair colours maybe ginger or strawberry blonde or something different though I do think you have a good variety so far. I feel like people may buy and play it if there are more options so there would be value but me personally I will buy it either way