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A short clip showing off the glossary in Gilded Shadows! As I mentioned on our tumblr update, I'm not sure how much of this I want accessible in the demo since there are spoilers for sure....

And should I add the spoiler warning on every page? Currently it's just on the index page, but since you can link-hop quite extensively, I've been thinking I may want to put it on every page...



Short clip of the GS glossary and how it works.


Foxy Dangerfluff Addams

If you're wanting to include it in the demo, I'd definitely think putting spoiler notices would be good? IDK. Hard to say, really. How difficult would it be to lock entries in the demo, and only include the ones that can be clicked from the game text box itself?


I think she mentioned there is already a spoiler notice if you access the glossary. It looks pretty amazing <3

Steamberry Studio

There is only a spoiler notice on the main index page. I have been wondering if I should put one on every single page since the articles cross-link to each other. Which means you can link hop around the glossary without ever seeing the index page and the spoiler warning there.

Steamberry Studio

I need to look at the code for locking but I feel like it would be easier to just make a shorter version of the glossary for now since it doesn't involve me having to figure out code. We know how much I LOVE to code! LoL