Patreon Devlog 1/11/2020 (Patreon)
Hey Guys! Sorry I missed the devlog yesterday. My only excuse is that I did the monthly Kickstarter one on Friday so I had somehow convinced myself I'd already updated here! LoL.
But it was a lieeee. I did not update here.
So here is this weeks devlog.
- Finished a chapter and moved on to the next chapter.
- Jack's route is now nearly 66% complete at 72.5k words
- Obtained a few new BGs
- Ordered the last batch of BGs so now there are none waiting in the wings. To be sent out.
The Ramble:
Another week of writing HELL. LoL (I mean, I'll be here for a while so it's more like writing Purgatory I suppose).
I really didn't do any art or coding or anything this week. Just writing. And writing. And writing.
I'm starting to slooooowly get closer to the final curve in Jack's route.
This route has what I call a "false turning point" where the player thinks they've seen the story climax and it's all over but JUST KIDDING. No. =| LoL
It's probably not *that* dramatic since anyone who's played any other route will know the antagonist is lurking nearby. But all the *characters* think it's all over. Only to find that LOL it's not. >=V So basically, that's about where I am in the story. It will be taking place in the next chapter, followed by the actual story climax, then the endings!
I feel like Jack's route is a little on the messy side and will need a lot of clean up before I finally code it. Which...I don't know. That happens. Some routes have a very clean rough draft where I end up doing very little editing, while others need a lot of editing. And Jack's is one of those that is just going to need a lot of editing, I think.
I was hoping to have an easier time after the marathon of death that was Caleb's route. But it just didn't happen. And it's unfortunate because I've been expecting Magnus' route to be difficult and that's the one I'm working on next. So I don't think I'm going to catch a break in terms of writing difficult routes. But it is like that sometimes.
This is somewhat unrelated but waaaaaaaaaaaay in the future….(WAY in the future) when we start working on our next project, we were wanting to do a Steampunk story. And I've had this sort of vague idea of what kind of story I wanted to do. But somehow inspiration hit yesterday and I had an influx of ideas and world building so I spent some time writing it all down.
I really try to stay focused on one project at a time if I can but sometimes it's just necessary to pause and write down ideas so they are not forgotten! It was fun to get my head out of GS and into a Steampunk world for a while though.
In other news, we did obtain some new BG...sketches? I don't think we've actually gotten any full backgrounds since the last time though. One artist completed the batch of BGs I'd given him so I had to give him a new set of references and descriptions to get started on. The other is still plugging away at a few more he has to finish.
At this point, all the BGs have been commissioned, so we're just waiting on them to be completed now.
We still have a couple of Endgame related backgrounds (important ones where a lot of scenes happen) but when we have those, I'll be able to properly code alpha versions of Caleb and Ari's routes. Though I do still have to make some continuity fixes for them. But I don't know when we'll get those BGs. I don't really control the order in which the artists work so they tend to just pick whatever interests them the most.
But yeah! Looking forward to having the enormous list of BGs completed at long last. Of course we may end up having to commission another stray BG here or there. It happens. But we'll see how that goes.
Sneak Peeks and Previews:
I don't have too much to show you guys in terms of backgrounds this week. Just a sketch from each artist - some dark and spooky catacombs…
And a remake of an existing background - the command and control room of the New Terra space station.
Upcoming Week:
I am really going to FORCE myself to just write and write and write and write.
No distractions.
I want to get Jack's route from 65% to at least 75% complete by the end of this upcoming week. I wanted it to be done by the end of October and missed that goal. So I need to get it done so I can move to the next route. >=C