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Hi everyone! Time for this week's patreon devlog. Sorry it's coming so late in the day again - no excuses today except that I was just super distracted!

This Week's Summary:

  • Finished editing Lance's route
  • Planning for Quill's Route
  • Corrections
  • Lance Sprite variations
  • Started scripting Lance's sprite up to chapter 2

The Ramble:

So I think this ramble will be pretty short since even though I did do a lot of work this week, there's not much to say about it.

I spent most of my time working on editing Lance's route. I only had a few chapters left, but chapter 11 and chapter 13 required really heavy update so those chapters took longer than normal. The total *uncoded* word count for the base game of Gilded Shadows is 735,000 words long. I'm not sure how long it'll be when coded but right now I'm estimated right at 700,000 words

I have also started scripting Lance's route and hope to get it done by Monday at the latest.

I have made a few corrections here and there to the text - someone has been streaming the common route and I always catch things that need fixing while watching LPs. So I did some of that.

I also worked on some of Lance's outfit variations. He doesn't get quite as many as some of the others but he does have a few. I was pleasantly surprised to find I'd already lined out his most complex outfit and just needed to flat and colour it. So that didn't take as long as I expected (lines always take me the longest. =w= )

I also think that...he's probably going to stay in this outfit way less time than I originally imagined because of a substantial re-write of his route plot that happened. So he may actually appear in this complex outfit for like...20 seconds. LoL

Well, hopefully I'll be able to have some additional uses for it. LoL. That way he doesn't have to be in the same outfit for his entire route. 

That said, I think I might be done with his variations now. Unless I'm forgetting something.

I think Jack is now the only main cast member that has at least one outfit I still need to complete for him. Maybe two.

Aside from that, I have started scripting Lance's route but haven't gotten very far. As I've mentioned, when I say "scripting", I just mean transferring the script into Renpy.

I worked a little bit on the planning for Quill's route. Quill is probably the LI with the least developed plot since he came into the picture pretty late but I've been tossing around and writing down some ideas, changing up some of what I intend for his route. So yeah...that happened too!

Sneak Peeks and Previews:

I...did not take any screen caps. I'll try to do a follow up post this week to show off some of Lance's variations.

Upcoming Week:

So one thing I expect to work on this week - something that is boring and unexciting - is getting all the chapter splash screens done. This isn't interesting but has to be done and I have two routes worth of them (so...28) to make.

I decided to make unique cards for each bad ending as well so when you get a bad ending, you know which one since the title is on the ending screen. So I'll probably try to get those out of the way too. I don't know how many bad endings are in the game right now. Maybe around. Maybe...12..ish?

And yeah, other than that I'll probably try to finish up Jack's outfits and then get all the items saved and put into the game before I move on to working on side character sprites and stuff.

Anyway, that's all for now.  I am so glad to be officially done with the first editing phase. Lance's route was definitely the disaster I thought it would be since I wrote it so fast. LoL But it's MUCH better now.

And now I can just focus on coding it and then...art. ALL THE ART.

Side note but Lance's route has SO MANY cute moments that I think I'm really going to struggle to pick out the CGs. Because honestly. I have a "could be a CG" note like....every two seconds in his route, I swear.

I have no idea how I will ever pick. ;A; He is too adorable!

Okay that's all. See you next time!



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