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This Week's Summary:

  • Finished the new demo file (haven't uploaded it yet)
  • Started a CG revamp journey
  • Finished new Itch.io page for the full game

The Ramble:

So I know I've been saying that I don't intend to revamp or re-do any CGs. Not any major fixes. I've been saying it for weeks. But...

This week I found myself in the predicament of finishing everything on my to-do list but the last round of testing and I realised that I am not ready to release the game or move into that stage. This is partially due to some real life things and partially me just trying to get my head around the fact this project is nearly done.

With nothing else to do I decided there is no reason to release a game that has CGs I'm not satisfied with. So I've been revamping some of them.

I'm not doing full re-draws. I'm fixing the ones that already exist.

I've been avoiding doing this because it's honestly not a small endeavour. It's not so much the fixes themselves that take a while - it's the recolouring and re-saving.

Any change that affects Morgan in any CG...........requires me to completely re-colour and resave her files again. Even if it's a tiny change. Moving the LI's hand by a fraction of an inch may leave a weird gap in Morgan's base images....which requires me to fix *every single skin tone*.

This is why a lot of the CGs I've tried to tweak have only gotten marginally better. I've been avoiding doing some of the work because I knew it would be a bigger endeavour.

That said, it's not THAT much work. Recolour and re-saving really only takes about 45 minutes per CG. But when I had a long to-do list....I didn't want to spend that time doing it. Now, though, it's a good time to spruce up the CGs before the final beta testing rounds.

So far I've gone through all the routes, picking out 2-4 CGs that really bug me, and fixing them. Honestly...I'm really glad I'm doing it. Some of them look SO much better. And while I'm sure many people would have been happy with the way they were before, I feel more confident with the new versions.


Most of the ones I'm fixing are very spoiler-y. First kiss, love scene, passionate ending....

So I can't actually show any side-by-sides without spoilers. But they definitely look better! You will have to trust me! 🤣🤣 🙏

Anyway, I'm done with the re-draws themselves and now need to go back through and recolour/resave the files.

With the amount of files I have to recolour and resave, I'm not sure how long it'll take. I think I revamped around 19 CGs but not all of them actually have Morgan even in them and in others, I only altered the LI in a way that doesn't affect Morgan at all. In one, I know I only changed part of Morgan's hair and didn't change anything else...

So in those cases, I don't have to actually recolour everything. I'll try to save time where I can.

And, honestly, this is the last thing before the final round of testing.

I know there's this teeny part of me that is very paranoid and scared to release (LOL! Yes, Devs also suffer intense amounts of self doubt) so I'm making more work for myself and nitpicking because of perfectionism.

So I'm promising myself this is the LAST bit of work I'm adding to my list and then I really will release the final beta testing version.

Sneak Peeks and Previews:

Maggie clip attached

Upcoming Week:

Recolouring, resaving, then final beta.

And if there is anyone out there that always reads the full content list if a detailed list of "warnings" is available, please let me know. I would really like to get some new eyes on the content guide I made. There *are* spoilers so I'm really looking for people who either don't mind spoilers a few weeks in advance of release or else would read it and see the spoilers anyway.



Hello! I am an individual who reads full content guides when they're given and actively seeks out spoilers when they're not because I personally find comfort in knowing what's coming before it metaphorically whacks me in the face. If this fits the criteria of what you're looking for, I'd be happy to have a look :)