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Hi everyone! Time for this week's update.

This Week's Summary:

  • Quill corrections
  • Quill testing
  • Corrections to guide
  • Steam achievement stuffs

The Ramble:

This week I finally went through the Quill corrections. There were a total of 30-35 pages of suggestions and typos to go through total! (And a few significant glitches like a naked bob, a broken expression, and a broken CG).

I went through and fixed everything. But we had another tester go through the route a little later than everyone else - which is always a good thing because it's so easy to miss things. The later player found multiple other issues that were missed previously and because I paused to give them time to fully test, I haven't finished going through all their suggested corrections.

I started, and will be completing, my own play-through this week again just to look for anything else we may have missed.

Thanks to a bit of a "happy accident", I also realised there was an issue with the updated guide where I just had forgotten to put in Quill's portion of the table of contents.

So that is now fixed as well.

And finally, I worked on the icons and stuff for Steam's achievements for Quill's route because I'd procrastinated on them for so long I completely forgot they needed to be done. 🤣🤣

Then suddenly remembered while talking to a beta tester.

As you can all tell, I'm sure, Quill's route is nearly done. But routes stay in the 'nearly done' phase for a while.

This is because of all the fiddly near-release stuff that each route has to go through. Endless fixing, testing, and finishing up with little bits of art and icons and stuff like that.

Sneak Peeks:

None this week!

Upcoming Week:

Finish up with corrections and final testing.

Maybe writing for Reuben again. 

Quill's update will, hopefully, be within the next two weeks! As always, we are just trying to test as much as possible to ensure that there are no game-breaking issues still lurking in the game.

Typos in the final game, I try to keep to a minimum. But my big priority is just making sure nothing breaks, no one's clothes vanish, and none of the links break the game. LoL

And that everything is unlockable! (There is one part of the flowchart that is tricky to unlock, but it is *possible* to unlock it. LoL)

Once I'm mostly confident we caught everything, the route will release! That will be SOON!

See you next week!


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