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Just wanted to do a fun WSC lore post. This one is about Veleian names!

Basically I just made a list of names and name parts as well their meanings as well as some additional information about ways to modify and create new names based on the Veleian languages made for this project.

What is the purpose?

To just give people a list of possible 'Veleian' names and meanings for those who like to both character create and use existing lore. This is NOT to say everyone has to name their characters according to this list or else it's non-canon.

The MC is 1/4 human and was raised on a human colony world by a 1/2 human mother. There is a good chance they have a Terran name or a name from any other culture. It is not canon that they must have a Veleian name.

This is JUST for people who find this sort of thing interesting and who like lore.

People can name the MC whatever they want. Sarah, John, or Boaty McBoatface. It's up to you.

How you can use the list (if you want):

  • You can use names as they appear on the list.
  • You can use names on the list but modify them with additional prefixes and suffixes (the ones listed or ones you make up).
  • You can use PARTS of names on the list but modify them with prefixes and suffixes (the ones listed or made up ones).
  • You can use the list as a spring board to make up your own Veleian name and meaning.
  • You can use the list as if it's a list of root words that you can mush together to create new names.

As noted on the pages, Veleians often go by nicknames or diminutive versions of their own names. Wil's default name is meant to be a diminutive of "Rishilwin", for example.

So you could conceivably come up with things like:

Sharisian - Tears of the White Rose

(Goes by - Ris or Rishi or Sia)

Ilindisú - Sacred Poet

(Goes by - Lin, Lindi, Ilin)

Kûrilanthe - Violet Dewdrop

(Goes by - Uri, Lanthe, Ilan, Rili, Kûri, Ran)

Remember, there are numerous Veleian languages. Saying this is "Veleian name list" is like showing someone an "Earth names list" - there are millions of names and each name may have dozens of variants.

This list is just for fun!


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