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And here are this month's questions and answers - only a few this time!

How do you say "Raif, I want you to crush my head between your thighs." in Eswoian?

Rofl Stahp. It's so hard to construct sentences like this. 🤣🤣

Um.....like this I think:

Raif, spu lí híthapû ní mu gigh gínt bonyeme qít.

Also, Raif:  😩 Wtf

Wil we get to meet Wil's dad during the story? And will we get to punch him?

Yes. He will show up as well as Wil's half-brother. I don't remember if you actually get to hit him so far. There might be an option to get him in the shins. LoL

How old is Wil (not including the time in stasis)? It's not clear from the demo.

Wil's age is somewhat indeterminate.

In UC standard years it was 24 years from their birth to when they disappeared. It's been 493 years since their disappearance.  So that would put their age at 517 if you include the time in stasis and *officially* 24 without it.

But the problem is that Wil spent some time on Veleia around when they were 18. And time does not flow the same outside Veleian space as it flows inside.

On the outside, they were gone for two years. Inside, though, more than two years passed. And they're not actually sure how long they spent there.

So from their personal time frame, they've experienced more than just their official 24 UC standard years.

You should just think of them as being some undetermined age between 24 - 34. Even they aren't really sure how to calculate their own age and will just use their official UC standard age for convenience.

Is Keres open to remarrying?

LoL. He's not opposed to it anyway. He's not actively looking but if he met the right person he'd marry her.

And that's all for this month. See you next time!


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