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Happy Pride Month everyone!

This year, the theme of Pride and LGBTQA+ rights is MORE close for my partner and me than ever.

We're spending our 2nd year in Spain fighting for our lifes, to have the same documents, rights and access to a same goods as other LGBT persons here. Now I feel the great support of this community as never before, so...

The grand YCH with PRIDErock celebration!

As you see, there's 6 portrait places of feral TLK animals who joined the ceremony.

  • This is a giveaway ruffle! But with conditions:

  • Only if you are my Patron in June

  • You're considering yourself part of community

  • Preferably TLK styled, but I can use any of your feral (or even anthro) OC to make fit!

  • Only one per person, please

  • Write here in comments a spot where you'd like to put your OC!

  • Then note me via FA, DA, email, Discord or Telegram with your OC reference and wished details ^-^

  • First write first claim!


BTW, in final concept each animal will be wearing flowers of colors representing their flag OR get painted on their body as if Rafiki made tribal flag paintings on them!

Also, the final positining will be edited a bit so each OC will be more visible, I will edit the size and canvas etc.





4 is temporarily claimed by me myself for Keaton the yeen, until they find out I made it oh my gosh I'm a totall mess sorry guys :D (He IS my Patron yep yep)


^w^ I'll join in on the raffle, sounds like fun


Which place you'd like to pick? And where you'll contact me? I will give you any of my contacts which is more comfortable for you to chat ^^