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Just keeping you guys in the loop!


Daniela V.

In San Antonio it rained like one day and that was it. Supposedly it's supposed to rain this week but nothing so far. Hope your drive goes well and you make it here safely!


Be safe driving!! And good luck with the move :))


to be fair, standing while at your desk is supposed to be the ideal thing to do for your body......good luck getting your chair in your car tho. i still have to buy myself a new one.


moving is a lot of work but you got this ! I hope you can fit your chair in the car 😭


Be safe on that drive bro! Holy


Oh!!! you finally get to move! good luck anthony!! we'll be waiting for you~~ Take care!


good luck and be safe with the move anthony!!


All the wait will be worth it haha good luck on the move, hopefully Michigan isn’t gonna be hit as bad lol, also maybe you can take apart a part of the chair to fit it in your move better lol that’s what I did when I moved


houston still has no power supposedly we’re getting it back tomorrow but idk hopefully it’s on when you get here


yea our grid is wack so we’ve been having no service too


Yeah I know right, I think I'll get like one video standing done every now and then sometimes and it's usually when I'm more hyper. I do need to use the standing function more LOL. I did find a slightly cheaper alternative that was pretty comfy when tested in Best Buy


Gonna see if I can find the manual and try it out lol! Thanks for the tip


yeah i been keepin up with it to see whats up to avoid this $100 fee from the apartment complex lol. i hope you're good though i know its hot af


thats pretty good dani! looks like i might have to drive over there before i drop my things off if the power is cooked LOL


$100 fee if they charge you thts nuts, im okay though thanks im at my dads he has power thank goodness

Daniela V.

Spoke too soon, my job, which is entirely run on wifi, is not receiving wifi


Please drive safe! I'm so unused to the idea of that kind of extreme weather cuz the most we ever get as a result of those storms is a little extra rain


Good luck and be safe!!! Don’t rush. We’ll be here when you’re back and can enjoy the content as well yourself!! Not just do it because you feel like you have to we want to enjoy with you !!praying everything goes smoothly for you!


a tropical storm / hurricane rn is crazy.. hope you end up being able to fit your chair (even if you gotta disassemble it somehow) & that the drive is safe and efficient and you run into no problems during this whole process… wishing you the best on your move!!