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Which team would yall prefer, Safari or Country side? Lol



my parents have some chickens & apparently you aren't supposed to rinse eggs because it takes off the coating that protects it from bacteria & makes them go bad faster, but store bought eggs are washed. i love chickens it's so funny to see people scared of them lmao

Sham Sham

ruto wasn't part of the part-time job s1. he did the Munk stay in the mountains with the farm team. it was the rest of the team besides ruto/ sahi who did the part-time job. and yes yes, team finish s2. the last ep we left off of for s2 was ep 51 so 52 would be next. but ur relationship with eggs cracks me up. team wise either or would be a new experience to try but team country side my pick.


AHHHHHHH I FORGOT! I lowkey remember those as two diff treasure map eps fr. Thanks for the reminder on S2!! I'd prob choose safari and be sick the entire day comprised of poop


I definitely choose the safari since the animals are all in a controlled environment. 17,000 chickens just roaming free would freak me out so much I wouldn’t be able to work lol