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Hey Crew! I just wanted to stop in real quick and give an update. I have made it to Korea, it’s about to be day 2 or 3, idk. I updated in the Patreon chat, but many of you likely did not see so I figured to make a post. Please don’t be alarmed or confused when seeing any of the duo content that me and Bris will be filming. No kdramas have been dropped, or anything no worries. It’ll be picked up when I can! Still taking requests even while out here so feel free, preciate all of them so far!

(extra context below)

As you guys are aware, I wasn’t necessarily supposed to be in KR. I’m just tagging along with the homie, so I have no room, no personal filming space or anything. We’re sharing the living room for filming together or taking turns. We will be testing a filming separately at the same time but the apt is smaller and not sure how that’ll run. So I’ll be sharing some extra stuff we film together as supplemental content.

Either way it’s been a lot of rain and we’ve just been filming and trying to discuss things and make a plan basically..🤞🏽


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