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Alright y'all, sorry on this delay, honestly it's just in a weird spot for me rn because on YouTube it's just not doing well and that's how I'm trying to bring more anime peeps in to go along on this journey with so I don't really know what to do!

Also, I had been messing with this for over 2 hours. For some reason my recording settings got messed up so the audio of the show lowers and rises based on when I'm speaking or not.

These two eps overall were good though, that 12 was needed though. I was getting a lil sad.



I think your views will pick up once you finish this first arc. I think most anime fans like to binge, unless it is a newly released show. Once you have a nice chunk of episodes, and there is some consistency in the releases, then more fans can find your channel. At least that’s the way I commit to other channels watching anime especially classic shows like naruto😅


It’s so funny cuz you just know sasuke actually does care about naruto cuz he didnt just go out there in the morning for a walk, he went there to check on him😂 not to mention saving him at the tree lol.


naruto inspires others to be good and better. love to see the boys leveling up