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Wait... so do I continue this or move on?

Seeing nothing but disappointment in the final 2 episodes and this screenshot going around. Lmk thoughts




I decided to not watch the last episode and imagine the ending how I want it to end😂 because I also have seen nothing but disappointment with the last episode!!


I actually hated the last episode post my initial reaction, especially after I rewatched for the screenshot you posted… disappointing. Probably one of the worst kdrama endings ever (maybe I’m exaggerating) but it was truly awful.


oh wow. thankfully i never wasted my time with this one

Shallom Bckz

Thank go didn’t waste my time I was about to watch it


The actual story wraps up the ending better and explains the importance of him going to that country and stuff it's just because they wanted to make it 12 episodes they never explained the significance of him leaving and just chopped it up to him wanting to protect her. But overall I give the show a nice 8 the last episode just feels rushed and for those who never read the story it would feel out of place.

I heard good things about it when it first started airing but thankfully never started it


Man I watched the whole thing it was so good but that scene alone killed the entire thing for me. Don't waste your time


that's not even the issue here..........??????????


the way they are rewriting the conflict tho......as if anyone with half a brain couldn't figure out who they meant by paltima and izmael.....the eye roll is strong with this one

layla s

loll if you need others to tell you its bad to watch when this screenshot literally tells you everything

sincerely, nai.

i would say definitely drop it .. this is just insanely disgusting and truly disappointing.


it's honestly so disappointing because the show was amazing up until that point. i would stop watching if i were u though because clearly they're trying to push an agenda and it would be feeding into that to post

Lauren Freeman

My honest thoughts: I read the web-novel like week 2 of airing and I fully joined in this drama as it was described as a wattpad novel in drama form. I was fully prepared for how out of left field the ending was. They did the best they could with the source material and overall I still found the drama engaging and enjoyable minus some heavy eye rolling classic kdrama cringe moments here and there in the last episode. As for other things, I think people are being a bit rash ascribing super malicious intent based on a throwaway news headline about fake places (remembering all dramas have a disclaimer about fake people places things etc) in the last 10 minutes. I worry sometimes that we center our own western viewpoints and conflicts and lenses on cultures that are diametrically different from our own and without more data points that prove malicious intent or harm instead of just lazy writing I have decided not to waste energy getting upset about it. Eye roll and move on. This whole drama has centered around the presidents office meanwhile the president is being impeached for trying to overturn democracy. This is not the real world y'all. it's a wattpad kdrama.


It wasn’t a well-made show to begin with so.. I don’t think you need to continue it. There’s no reason to put up with all that cringe clichés just for the sloppy ending.

layla s

couldn't draw a tree in a forest if you were asked lmao lets actually use our brains


what a sht take tho...........screams white privilege


Correct me if I'm wrong but I read this with a tone and it confused me lmao... I only posted this because I'm always getting cooked for dropping shows. At least this post was me saying "hey, I see where a problem is, what's the communities verdict?" In addition to commentary saying the ending was a mess.


they have disclaimers so they don’t get cooked, doesn’t mean what is written isn’t intentional 😭 like be a little serious….


the ending blew me so bad, it was hot ass and it felt so disconnected (imo) from the rest of the series 😭 i thought the first half was pretty good, but then they lost me fr

layla s

English isn't my first language. Ig what I meant to say is that you obviously saw a problem with the show, but you needed to feel validated in order to drop it. idk it was kind of giving If the commenters tell me not to drop the show, I won't. Plus anyone being upset about you dropping a show bc of something like this needs help


Even without this little scene the final episode was random and not enjoyable at all. I personally skipped through it just to get over with😭 but then again, the story in the first half is really good….


It looked like this was gonna be a top drama but quickly crashed from what I’m hearing, might not be worth it

ashley kuate

If I'm being honest, I wasn't quite feeling this show from the very beginning. The chemistry between the leads imo was almost non existent, the plot is kinda ridiculous honestly, way too unrealistic for a show that takes itself so seriously. And the ending felt like the writers were just throwing in anything that came to their minds and called it a day. Don't get the hype🤷🏽‍♀️

Caroline esho

I never started the show (usually I wait until it's finished so this won't happen to me) but was never interested. but I would say to drop it.


It has been bad from the start honestly, dropped it in the first 3 eps.. i gave it a shot mainly because yoo yeon seok is one of my favorite actors


so many words yet nothing said


This was not a post for validation, I didn't ask if I was wrong for rolling my eyes upon seeing this screenshot. This was a post to see if members of the community shared the same annoyance of the ending of the show that I'm seeing online. Therefore releasing me of the "Anthony drops every show" stigma, when I discontinue the show...


i'd drop tbh, it entertained me for a bit but then like you said the last couple episodes managed to ruin it

Bri 🫧🌸

The last episode was just 🫠 you can drop it tbh or at least the last episode


drop it, it's so disrespectful

Melo Melody

You know what drama won't fail you? The fiery priest. Please give my favorite drama some love 😭

Ceyda Nur

the last episode of this drama is not the best but the ending is still good. The scene in the screenshot was actually translated wrong by netflix. What they actually said in korean: 속 보 입 니 다. 팔 티 마 공 습 이 이 루 어 지 고 있 는 이 즈 마 엘 에 서 한 국 인 들 이 무 장 세 력 에 게 납 치 되 었 습 니 다. Translation: Breaking News: In Izmael where aistrikes are taking place against Paltima, South Koreans has been kidnapped by militants. Also the map on the news shows Izmael attacking Paltima. I just wanted to clear any misunderstandings. If you still decide to not continue thats up to you. People seemed to forget that in this drama it was always about politics from the beginning. It makes sense to have scenes like this. They also changed the names and when i watched the las episode i never thought of Israel and Palastine. I still dont understand how people quickly hate a drama because 1 episode wasnt as great as they hoped or half a episode but hyped it up and enjoyed it up until then.


I just started watching it last week and I honestly was not that engaged through the first couple episodes. And then when I heard about the controversy I skipped to the last episode and speed ran it and honestly, I'm so glad I didn't stick to it. There were so many subplots that were revealed in the last episode and I was honestly happy that I didn't waste my time watching them develop.