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This is a month I really like, because in addition to Yoga Laugh, the Weak Spot series also begins. I've been looking forward to it.

Summary for everyone.

In weak spot, we will have a series of illustrations in which Queen Finger tries to find out the weaknesses of Every Day girls.

Each month, as in Yoga Laugh, there will be three illustrations with a girl as the main character.

For those who are new to this link you can read the titles of the projects I have planned. https://www.patreon.com/posts/every-day-tickle-74857995



Wow you are making and releasing these titles far faster then I expected! I hope “Weak Spot” is the most cruel and maddening for the girls. 😈😈😈


I hope I have accomplished something fulfilling. I would like to reiterate that these are a series of illustrations and not pages with panels.