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I am really frustrated and sorry but photoshop not only does not allow me to create long gifs, but now an error is occurring ( I think it is a bug ).

The animations, as you can see, get stuck. So I cannot create a continuous loop.

Edit - Thanks to Sirbombers I solved the problem. ^^

I beg you wholeheartedly to download the videos I put attached so you can see the full animation.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I cannot solve this problem.

Other than that, I am very very very satisfied with this animation. I think it is my most beautiful animation, I found a new method to animate the feet and I really like the relighting. I am satisfied with it. I hope you will like it.

There are two versions. With and without snow.




Anne is far to old to be playing in the snow giggling like a little girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I like this animation a lot, I’m not sure how to explain it, but often I can tell from just a single frame that this is an animation (like when there are no shadows for example) however here it feels very natural, almost as if the original Christmas illustration suddenly came to life right before my eyes and started moving, It’s a VERY satisfying feeling to see Anne move around. I hope that made sense XD I loved how Annes toes would sometimes just stop moving like a machine failing to process all theses sensations 🥰 and I also loved the moment of the Stick hands as well, they remind of Judes long nails which made seeing them dance over Anne’s soles all the more exciting. Also, Perhaps this was an intentional mistake but Annes red collar Is now orange XD But personally I still think laura’s animation is still the best animated work till date. With the Monique animation of her being stuck behind a wall with a single finger travelling around her giant foot to be the sexist animation till date 🤤 Lets hope her daughter Melyssa finds Anne soon and helps her out of this situation, or at least keeps Anne company until the ice melts x3

Sir Bombers

Hey friend! I hope you don't mind, but I downloaded both of these animation gifs and opened them up in Photoshop to see if I can figure out why they have that delay at the end. I believe I have found the reason for your problem! From looking at the Timeline, the majority of your gif frames are 0.03 seconds long (with a few going for 0.07 seconds long). HOWEVER... your very last gif frame (frame 500) in the Timeline is set to be 15.8 seconds long! That is why you are having that huge "pause" before the animation loops back to the first frame. Hope that helps!


Oh hey it’s fixed!


Laughing in a winter wonderland! 😆😁🥰❤️