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Armor (leather), uncommon (requires attunement)

This stark white armor tricks the eye in strong light, like a mirage. While wearing this armor, other creatures take a −5 penalty to any Wisdom (Perception) checks they make to see you, provided you're in bright light or sunlight. In addition, you can use an action to cast the mirror image spell. This version of the spell ends early if you start your turn without being in bright light or sunlight. For the duration of the spell, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action, and remain hidden, even if you're in plain sight. Once the armor has been used to cast this spell, it can't do so again until the next dawn.


As they had every day, Lightkeeper Crane rose to see the sunrise. It was simple habit at this point—unchangeable as a wheel rut—but in theory it was to honor the nature of truth-revealing light. That's what the initiates were told, anyway.

But truth was seen in shadow that early morn. There in the courtyard, plain as the day upon them, stood the exiled Lightkeeper—no, he'd abandoned that title—Astien. His bore deep into Crane, but without hatred. What did he hope to achieve here?

And then the dawn broke, which washed over Crane like a fresh bath. The Lightkeeper stood in the courtyard, alone as they ever were: a refreshing reminder of the tricks shadows played.

Astien remained in the courtyard, now unseen by his old friend. With grim resolve, he strode into the torchlit halls of the honored dead. The light of day could blind as quickly as it could reveal, and here, among the records held only by the Lightseekers, could he blind history itself. A kindness.



Silver Screen

Oh, I am definitely building a character around this.

David S.

Really cool scene you detailed there for the item! Both the item and the scene are very idea inspiring. Honestly, this is the kind of stuff I'm here for - game inspiration and talking about those ideas. So, great work 👍👍


This is my type of armor! I could see upgraded forms of it that give bonuses to AC and you could even give it charges so the Mirror Image spell can be cast multiple times a day. Maybe even a Studded Leather version.