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Wondrous item, rare

This padded lens is meant to fit over one of your eyes. When you cast a spell that creates an area of effect in the shape of a circle, cone, cube, sphere, or square, you can change the shape of that area to a different one of those shapes using the same size, provided the effects continue to make sense with the new area. The point of origin for the spell remains the same.

For example, if you cast the burning hands spell, you could transform the area from a 15-foot cone to a 15-foot cube, potentially increasing the number of targets affected by the spell. For the purposes of circles and spheres, use the area's diameter to determine the size of the new one, or vice versa.

Once this property of the lens has been used, it shouldn't be used again until the next dawn. Each time the lens is used again before then, it has a cumulative 20 percent chance of not working and shattering, becoming nonmagical.


See the spell take shape, as you envision!



Brigette Brinton

Love it! Personally, I would probably tweak it to use charges per level of the spell modified, to allow more utility. First time I've seen this concept on an item though!