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Weapon (morningstar), rare (requires attunement)

The head of this morningstar is in the shape of a rose. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The weapon has two forms: bloom form (if the weapon is in bright light) or bud form (if the weapon is in dim light or darkness). Iron petals unfurl from the weapon's spiked head while in bloom form, and enclose it while in bud form. While in bud form, the weapon deals bludgeoning damage, instead of piercing.

While holding the weapon, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells from it (spell save DC 15): entangle (bud form only), protection from poison (any form), or spike growth (bloom form only). Once a spell has been cast from the weapon, it can't be cast from it again until the next dawn.

A rose without its thorns is beauty without pain, love without loss, or a hero without a villain: to know both is what makes it special.



Zak Papalia

This is wonderful.