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She can still win... right?

Playing around with shape keys for lovely cumflation results ^^ Expect this animation soon


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curlys curls

Honestly I'm shocked it's taken so long for someone to not only do stretching stuff involving elastigirl in 3d, but the fact that one of the first people to do it is.. incredibly good at it- I always look forward to your posts 'cause it's how helen should always be done ; )


thank you, that means so much ;-;! Alot of people focus on her ass and milf body and that is sexy, but I love her for how much she can stretch and how sexy that is with being used like that ^^


H O L Y S H I T ! I’m with curly curls on this! Super stoked to see someone really taking advantage of Elastigirl’s powers AND DOING IT IN WAYS THAT ARE HOTTER THAN THE SUN!


Wow amazing!!! This is so hot! Please say the droid will make more of her grow?

curlys curls

Yes, curves are nice but she's literally made for stretching! Also, just always nice to see the stretching kink portrayed in 3d, both from the inside (stomach bulges) and also limb/body stretching!


Is the full omnidroid/elastigirl stretch animation nearly complete & ready for upload?