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Chapter 57.5: Ozymandingus

Jeff Robinov’s Office WB, LA. November 2010.

“Bas Rhys, in the flesh!” Really didn’t appreciate that word seeping out of Robinov’s mouth. “Christmas came early.” Not a celebration I had any intention of attending. 

My intuition screamed who the Turkey was touted to be - and I’ll be damned if I was gonna be stuffed.

Upon barging into Robinov’s cavernous office, I remained momentarily unsure of whether he was eager for my arrival, or willfully disdainful of my presence. 

Arms crossed, back turned, he pretended to observe the Hollywood strip outside. The faint reflection I caught in the glare of his window, however, let me know exactly where his peepers were actually laser-focused.

Mixed signals, as usual. May as well straighten this mess out.

“On the contrary; you were almost too late. You were taking too long, so I nearly went ahead and unwrapped an entirely different gift.” He didn’t offer me a seat, just continued to stare out his window with his hands held behind his back; a little too at ease for my liking. I swung round anyway, but as I prepared to plonk down, I spied a butt-print stamped into the creased leather of the chair. “Was Venit sat here?”

Jeff ceased his poor impression of a Bond villain when my non sequitur teased him out of surveying his proverbial kingdom from beyond the massive plate glass view port. “Hm? Yes, he was… why?”

“No reason.” I avoided that chair and sat in the second one. “These are new clothes.” Neither was I overly intent on developing some insidious venereal disease so soon after earning singlehood. I was more inclined to risk that with the receptionist downstairs.

“What a vicious creature you are, Bas. It’s okay, though. I’ve gotta appreciate the brief fight a man in my lofty position still gets these days. Life gets too easy, too comfortable without it.” He chuckled, twirled on his heel, and perched himself back in his chair. Which - as I sunk deeper into the crevices of the oddly angled seat I nestled within - I noticed was pumped a fair few rungs higher than mine. 

Jeff, even to this extent, kept flapping his wings. Excited, desperate almost, to show himself off about to take flight. “Birds of a feather, and all that twaddle.” My clip-wing reminder served as a potent example that I was very much capable of soaring at an equal altitude.

“Alright, we don’t need to waste no more time spittin’ out pleasantries.” It seems Robinov was ready to get to the meat of the matter - by which I meant me.

“I agree with you. A statement, by the way, that’s become an exceedingly rare occurrence of late.” I leaned against the backrest, tossed my arms wide across it on either side of me, and ever so slightly tilted my head inquisitively. ‘I’m waiting’ being the operative theme here. “About time I received a genuine explanation for why.”

“See? This. This! This is why I’m just so goddamn fond of you, Bas.” Robinov must have seen the abject disbelief pass across my face. “No, really! You can’t imagine the amount of sugar-frosted bullshit I’m fed on a daily basis. But you? There’s no mincing, no whining, no pretense. You always go for the fuckin’ jugular. Straight to the fuckin’ point.”

“Something you rather ought to mimic.”

“Fine!” Whap! He slammed his thick claw on the table. “Then, I will. I owe you that respect, at least. See, Bas, frankly, I’m worried about you.”

“Is that right? And what exactly about me inspired such worry?” Concern? More like conspiracy from the mouth of a con-man.

“Your rep, Bas. It’s fucked. You ain’t got any idea just how much I’m doing to rescue it.” 

“Funny. I don’t exactly call what you pulled during our last investor update a rescue.” The bank of Bas Rhys was still owed quite the credit debt.

“Not out of choice.” Now, who’s the one plating up a toffee turd? “Don’t you get it, Rhys? I was acting as a shield. If I wanted to preserve the valuable work you’ve done for the Potter franchise and WB’s working relationships, I had to obfuscate the level of your involvement for our more… let’s say discerning investors.” 

I uncrossed my legs and stretched out one pointed toe. “Pull the other one.” The truth was far simpler. The breadcrumbs belied his actual motive. Those same discerning investors were the ones whose focus Jeff wanted zoned in on his gleaming bald scalp solely. “You can keep screaming that slander all you want. It’s not gonna make it gospel.” Planting my toes back on the marble, I moved to rise. 

“Don’t believe me?” Jeff rushed to keep my rump parked. “Then let me lay it all out. The first time your profile crossed my desk, it was less like reading an actor’s and more like trying to parse through the schematics of a tank. You were a machine. On the attack, ambitious, effective, dangerous. Something that you proved when you essentially strong-armed the script reversion for Halfblood.” He took a breath. “In all that time, I had little to fear from you, or for you. The tight-knit team you’d cloistered around you had your back, front, and blindsides covered. Until the nanny left. Suddenly, you weren’t so impenetrable.” 

Translation: I foiled his plans. He probed for weaknesses, but found none. Then came Cadbury’s departure, and with it a perceived chink in my armour. “Mrs Fine wasn’t gone for long before Ms Alexie filled in her shoes, though.” Cadbury and Fedex, respectively. Robinov didn’t deserve that level of candor, and neither was my line of argument an authentic one. 

Like any and every two-bit villain on the cusp of their crowning achievement, he was set to monologue. 

This meant that the right questions alone would finally complete the puzzle.

“Unfortunately for your image in certain circles, Bas, this most recent handler of yours has had her brief career so far marred by negligence. You engaged in so much out and aboutism, and she was nowhere in sight.” Ironic, considering her lack of presence was precisely the mark of a job well done. “People have always labelled you a rebel, Bas. Out of control, though? That’s new. Are you sure the new chick is up to the task?”

“I suppose you have a better alternative?” Not that it mattered one whit to me. Fedex had long since delivered.

Jeff shrugged his shoulders and clasped his hands in front of his lips that just barely missed hiding the satisfied smirk behind them. “Say the word and the studio will provide.”

Unlike Cadbury, Fed’s job wasn’t to protect me from myself, but to let me behave however I wished with minimal consequence. She was freedom. Robinov wanted that taken away. 

My inkling from earlier grew into a more pervasive itch. I wonder what else Robinov aimed to deprive me of? “Hmm. Hypothetically… what are the set limits on that?”

A cruel, crooked, grinchy grin slashed his face nearly in half. No hiding that. “Almost none. There’s nothing we can’t accommodate. Lemme give you an example: if you’re not gelling with a director, we’ll toss ‘em out. We facilitated Yates’ exit in the same way. I dangled a fresh project in front of his face, and he ditched Potter for Red Riding Hood.”

“I don’t remember asking for that.”

“You didn’t have to. We took the liberty of doing so of our own volition. Yates wasn’t a good fit for you anymore.” A tool that was hard pressed to put the screws to me was a useless one, I reckon. “Financing the delay was a pain, but needs must.”

Rubbing my chin, I asked another question to keep his wagging. “Any other issues you’ve graciously headed off that I may have overlooked?”

“Ain’t no need to beat yourself up, Rhys. Everyone drops the ball once in a while. Hell, even you blindsided us when you scribbled out your own name on your paycheque and wrote a thousand others on it. Dropping that fat stack on those production peons?” He flamboyantly kissed his fingertips and flared them with a flourish. “Master stroke. But again, it was reckless and sent us scrambling. Whatever rat leaked it prevented the PR team from curating a better story. Next time you get the hankering for charity, WB can suggest a list of our affiliated causes that have… greater visibility.” 

In essence, my money and effort to fund their PR initiatives and partnerships with only their permission. “How very comforting.” My sarcasm almost ran away from me. “Gotta say, though, I don’t hear any distress when it comes to me lavishly splurging my cash, huh?” 

Robinov shrugged. “You’ll do what you do. We can extend a line of credit for you if required.” Be poor, be indebted, be dependent. “You’re a star; live your life. We’re here as your safety net. Career-wise as well. There’s so many scripts in our pipeline that we can easily place you as the face of an upcoming franchise. I’ve got a super one in mind for you already. Young adult dystopia is the new hotness. Kinda appropriate for you, if you don’t mind my saying. Your future’s looking like a wasteland from where I’m sitting. What was that afro flick you did? Did anyone outside the BET quarter bother buying tickets to Black Dynamite? As far as I’m aware, you don’t even got something planned since you got shot down by both your buddy-cop screenplays.” Buzzards knew where the carcasses were. “It’s not totally your fault, gotta admit. That agent of yours just ain’t pulling her weight anymore, is she?” And this vulture in front of me was salivating in anticipation of another corpse.

My gaze unwillingly shifted to the soiled seat beside me. “Venit’s presence suggests that you have a scheme cooked up for that, too.” Santa got stuck sneaking inside through the chimney, letting me see him frantically stomping his feet.

Robinov tapped his nose as if he thought I was in on it. “You catch on quick, Bas. WME and I have concluded that the hands of someone more experienced would best serve your career. You gotta understand, Bas, fair-weather flunkies aren’t going to cut it anymore. Specter, that new handler; you should even think about swapping out your money guy - I know plenty. Take this for what it is, Rhys, a wake up call. You’re the only one that can decide how much your dreams are worth.”

It finally clicked. The last piece of the puzzle snapped into place, showcasing the total picture. 

You know what was on it? Me, hogtied with a ribbon like a prized roast pig, served on a silver platter to a table full of starving Hollywood execs. Wrap your head around that image, because it was precisely how Robinov wanted my arse gift-wrapped. 

They sat at the dinner table. Surrounding their holiday feast with sharpened forks and knives.

No, Bas, all your movies will flop if you don’t make them under our banner. Forget the multiple-times returns you’ve made - it’s not worth it. And even if you try to branch out, who knows if it’ll pan out? We have the power to hook your production staff, line up other projects, and sink your ambitions. We did it with Potter, we won’t hesitate for anything else, either. Be a good boy and perform for the films we give you and none other.

Braying their insidious doubts loudly at me.

No, Bas, don’t worry about your money. Blow it or stow it - our financial experts should have oversight, though. 

To gnaw away at my sense of self worth and competence.

No, Bas, the family you’ve carved out for yourself, aren’t really who they say they are. Leeches and layabouts. One’s already left, why won’t the others? Better to push them out before they can wreck everything. Give us the reins to your life. It wouldn’t do for anyone or thing else to have undue influence. 

Until all I had courage left to do was duck and shy away from the betrayed glances.

No, Bas, you are not your own person. You are our product. You’ll look bad unless you say and do exactly what we tell you. 

Leaving merely a husk.

We made you.

What a crock of fuckin’ shit!

Hot, metallic blood practically flooded my mouth. I gnashed my jaw and grit my teeth with enamel shattering force. The same sensation I wanted to deny Robinov by knocking his teeth out, because it took everything within me not to smile as wide as I physically could. 

Had Anita not revealed her decision to strand her own career in favour of my own, had Fedex not spurned every easily available opportunity to blackmail for everything on my naughty list, had I no confidence in my own limitless potential, I’d be worried. But that just wasn’t the case. 

My people were beyond reproach.

This was a true comedy of errors. All his, WB’s, Venit, and by extension WME’s as well.

Jeff bore into me with unveiled superiority. It brought me untamed pleasure to knock his elation back down to earth. “No.”

“… No? What do you mean, no?”

“Precisely that. My circle’s staying right where they are - around me.” I squirmed in my seat. Not out of anxiety, but to leave the deepest possible derriere divot in the leather. I stood up and admired the perfect print of my posterior stamped into it. If anyone here wanted back in my good graces, they could practice kissing the mould I’d left. 

“You’re making a costly mistake. You’re letting this valuable opportunity slip through your fingers.” He implored. His head angled towards my direction, ear first, as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“No worries, Jeff. I can afford it.” Ben’s got my wallet covered, too. Just because Jeff had some idea how much I’ve made on the films through salary and stake both, doesn’t mean he, or anyone else, had any clue how much we’ve made it grow beyond that. “Tell you what, though, forward the script over to Anita. I’m sure she’ll convince me to take it on if she sees merit in it.” She wouldn’t and neither would I; but like cheap presents, it’s the thought that counts. 

“This isn’t over. You know that, don’t you, Rhys?” His threat rang somewhat hollow, primarily since he’d abjectly demonstrated just how much he desired my involvement (as subservience or reliance instead of cooperation). By now it was readily apparent that WME were complicit in their explicit canoodling, too. They’d both piled on the pressure to save their diamond in the rough. 

From a purely business perspective, I savvied where they came from. I cast Robinov a last glance. There weren’t any overt outwards signs of it - just a dry tongue-smack and an aborted gulp carried his vain hopes of a more palatable response to his offer.

Too bad I bore nary an aspiration to prostrate myself as an idle, expensive ornament for their bragging rights and padded pockets.

“Who said I wanted it to be?” As I walked out, I expected nothing other than coal in my stocking. 

Good. It’d just fuel my fire further.


Adam Johnson

I can easily see why actors coming off a successful franchise as kids don’t become the big actors you would expect their career to become. Everybody with their hand out, trying to ride the coat tails or trying complete control

David Karlsson

They'll have a lot more Chinks in their armour than Bas. Greedy family members, debts, drug use, scandals, inflated ego, fair weather friends and ambitious colleagues


That ending hit different. Quite enjoyed that.

Adam Johnson

Yeah. I couldn’t imagine being in the public eye could be a good life. If you were anyway inclined to do drugs and live the crazy life it is just turned up to 1000 And then it just gets worse from there by giving people all they need for you to hang yourself

David Karlsson

If Bas was less savvy and wasn't surrounded by loyal and competent people he'd probably go the same way as Elvis or MJ


I wonder what a small hidden camera would add to these conversations... not that it'd be a good idea mind you, a nuclear option if you've ever seen one though

Adam Johnson

Imagine being the most famous and iconic person in the world and being the most lonely and fucked up from it


Also I found it fascinating that bas really did sit down and hear them out. I think he was expecting something more clever and not outlandishly villainish when it came to whatever the studio executives were planning


I think this kind of strategy came a bit too late, Bas is 20? 21? He’s basically a full adult, this kind of scam absolutely would’ve been far more effective 2-4 years ago or even when Cadbury left. Granted if Bas was a normal person it still might’ve worked, but you should do your research before you take a shot at someone. Robinov also doesn’t have that long left in his position tbf.

Elton2K Dre

I know you're taking creative liberties with characters but is Jeff Robinov such a cunt irl??

David Karlsson

He does seem a bit too assured of caging MC. He should know already that Bas is cunning. But as for not having much time left, is he really in a bad position at the moment? He's taken credit for the tail end success of the franchise, and probably for the rehiring of Cuaron. Were there any major failed WB projects around this time they'd lay at his feet?

David Karlsson

Yeah the "offer" doesn't sound too good even if Bas wasn't smart. Like in the Versatile Superstar story the villain talent manager at least had a very lucrative offer paving the way to become the top worldwide actor within a decade. What did Jeff offer Bas here? Anita was at least given a tempting career boost in Endeavour.


And those same hands also forcefully try to shove their way up butts to run those actors like their puppets. Which is what Robinov is trying to do.

Michael og

even if robinov takes credit and people in the industry believe him... actual paying audience for new porjects doesnt work as well without Bas... it would take insane brand building on the level of Disney to keep the audience and attention on WB. there is always a drop off


Haha no idea. by this point I can say that every charter - even the named ones IRL are their own creations. We'll never know what anyone is actually like - theyre basically OC with similar names. I am glad that he's appropriately hateable though!


It's a difference in mentality I feel. The one thing Robinov has to acknowledge is that Bas is nearing his level of power (which is why he subtly tries to constantly reinforce his own position) . He knows what it took to get where he is and he assumes bas and everyone else is like him. Self serving and money-motivated - and cowed by the threat of the loss of what he's built. But that isn't Bas. Bas wanted to properly determine what the opposing game plan was before he starts running his counter strats.


There's no offer - not really anyway. Just sugar coated shit. Robinov and co. havent given Bas an equitable exchange he can reasonably consider. Their tactic is to strongarm him into compliance by chipping away at his support and credibility.


Robinov is often described as blunt and ambitious, to the point some have called him rude. He’s noted by multiple sources to be ‘mercurial’ and to change his mind on things frequently. He stated he didn’t want WB making any female led properties. However he is very good at recognising talent and locking it down for himself, the Wachowski siblings and Christopher Nolan were brought to WB and advocated for by him. He’s got a strong eye for talent and how to control it.


And this is when you start to see hit pieces out in the press about Bas' character. According to Matt Damon, there's a 'List' of who's allowed to get the big roles in Hollywood. If it exists in this story, this would def be when he gets removed from that list.


In a twisted way Bas actually helped secure Robinov's position compared to IRL. The WB Netflix deal being a key component beyond the success of HP. It'd be kinda lame of me if I had my current villain on such wobbly foundations and also kept the story too rigid to actual history. Things change. sometimes for the worse (but hopefully better for the plot haha!!) During the production of HP Bas was untouchable because the success of the franchise rested on him too heavily. Robinov can only fuck with him now because Bas has the least amount of leverage he's had since Robinov was intro'd. And he's not messing with him for the sake of it - in dating terms he's negging Bas to try and lower his self esteem so that he's easier to capture. Plus hubris is a key factor - hence the chapter title lol


Bas is cunning - but everyone likes to believe they're the smartest person in the room. Consider Jeff's optics too. WB is killing it right now. Batman, the hangovers, sherlock, Harry Potter. Why wouldn't he think taming a single young (but future potential worth) actor was a lay-up?


A bit more charicature-esque but coincidentally no too far off in my rendition haha.


Yup totes agree. and the sooner they build Bas' brand under their own banner the better they can cultivate his image for their own means. Gotta milk him while he's still fresh and until he's dry


Thanks for the chapter. I just got out of a 12 hours shift and I read without understanding a thing. Could someone translate what happened in this chapter? Pretty please with sugar on top.


Bas is still a precious commodity - they won't go public unless they plan to torch the bridge. Bas is still on that list because there's still money to be made off him. Something Bas will only go on to prove further soon enough! There's still other avenues Robinov and co have yet to attack that Bas will have to deal with. But not yet!


A shitty deal where Bas ditches his current circle and becomes a WB studio actor, surrounded by WB people, or those they approve of, like Adam Venit. Probably similar to Tom Cruise's day to day, where the cult he's a part of runs most of his life for him.


incidentally i also just got home after travelling for 24 straight hours haha. In effect its simple: Robinov (prompted by Bas) explained that his credit hogging, dismissive attitude, Anita's woes with endeavour were all a larger opportunistic plan to beat Bas into submission for their ow ends. They think he's weak and will fold because Potter over, and Bas appears to have gaps in his protective circle. Bas instead of bowing, decides to challenge instead. The premise of the chap is to fully establish the antagonist and stakes for the forthcoming arc.


I didn't realise until now, but Bas' next film is gonna have a lot of hype, isn't it? Especially if they play it up further. The first role since Potter and all that, Bas' New Era, that typical cringe shit they do with singers when they release a new album. (I'm all for it here tho)


People forget just how dominant WB was in the 2000’s…and then in the mid 2010’s everything seemed to start to fall apart all at once and now in the mid 2020’s WB is at risk of bankruptcy. Pretty crazy.

David Karlsson

Jeff is riding the success of a lot of projects and smart decisions at the moment then. He should have the foundations to stay CEO for a lot longer than OtL unless he crashes and burns against Bas after this


I know this isn’t a “destroying Hollywood” fic, and is more about Bas climbing to the top of the shit heap, but man would it be satisfying for Bas to come out publicly and just name names. It would torch his career, but Bas is en-route to billionaire-hood. He could come right out and name names. It’s not unlikely that he could end Robinovs career with one interview. Form his own production company with a bunch of disaffected creatives that have been blacklisted.

David Karlsson

Not really. Sure Jeff's reputation might take a hit but he didn't do anything criminal or out of place in the industry. Bas hasn't really witnessed many crimes personally to destroy powerful people's lives yet. Not being given due credit for his contributions is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Probably happens to everyone there

Donnie Davis

Often it's due to a lack of desire. Acting is a lot of hard work and long hours, and as a child actor they're also doing their mandated schooling between shoots. It's very tempting to just walk away with your money and have a life. A lot of child actors end up on the other end of the camera since they already know the industry but don't want the pressure of performing. It's a shame that everyone perceives this as failure. As if becoming a more famous celebrity is the only metric of success.

Uncle Snoo

I wonder if Robinov has anything to do with Game of Thrones. That's a big franchise for Uniqlo and Netflix. Bas wouldn't want to let go of that opportunity. It starts airing on HBO (owned by WB) in 2011 I think.

David Karlsson

Maybe until 2013 or so. After that HBO gets their own online streaming, WB will likely pull out their own library from Netflix at that point to compete, or charge more for certain IPs

Uncle Snoo

Late 2014 (when they release HBO Go) but yeah. Still that's 4 seasons of GOT. More than enough to make a killing. And besides the Uniqlo merch deal still stands. Edit: I made a mistake. HBO Go was available to cable subscribers only. A proper OTT would be HBO Now which was released in 2015. Netflix could totally seal this deal if they offer enough incentive.


I did not like this chapter. I did not feel like there was any substance or interest in anything Robinov was saying. This felt like a perfunctory chapter, meant to get the "WB carks it with Bas" element out of the way with minimal fuss and muss. As others have stated, Robinov does have strong working relationships with major WB directors, Bas has no films in the pipeline (as far as Robinov knows), and there's no meat on his offer that's worth cooking. Like, it would have been interesting to play off Robinov's perception of what WB has to offer versus Bas's future knowledge. For example, filming for the Wachowskis Cloud Atlas began in September 2011, with the film set for 2012. That is a major Warner Bros distribution, with an established director duo, and so many major named actors that I'd lose count. Robinov making the pitch of Cloud Atlas as "Bas's next big movie, his first serious movie with radical filmmakers and an a-list cast" would have been an enticing offer and lined up with keeping Bas WB-exclusive, while trying to bilk him of his money by giving him a producer credit if he antes money in. You could even build it further with Jupiter Ascending, which Jeff Robinov helped generate by approaching the Wachowskis to develop a wholly originally IP in 2009. It was a long gestating project and only filmed in 2013, but you can easily imagine Robinov trying to lock down Bas for two Wachowski blockbuster IPs and put up his own money for the projects out of a sense of "keep him at WB, make him spend his money, try and give my directors as much foundation as possible for home run films" that would have been a mix of interesting on the surface level, predatory on the secondary level, and completely avoidable thanks to the future level. You could have taken it further as well, by tying in Nolan. Filming for Dark Knight Rises is scheduled to start in May 2011, and Joseph Gordon Levitt was originally announced as "Robin" in April 2011. Robinov was a major champion of Nolan, and a big believer of using his vision to launch more DC movies. Jeff Robinov was a champion for the godawful BvS Asylum movie, the beginning of his and WB as a whole's fascination with making as edgy a movie as possible. Jeff Robinov was the one who decided after Green Lantern failed to retrofit Man of Steel into a universe-starter, a rushed decision that chain-reacted into the mess that is this universe. Jeff Robinov is also the one who re-organized DC into DC Entertainment, but didn't think for a second to actually create a Production Unit for them like Marvel had. Jeff Robinov cancelled tons of promising DC films across the 2000s, including George Miller's Justice League Mortal, a Shazam and more. It was Robinov who, amid Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, made grand plans for Nolan to produce multiple DC movies, and perhaps even oversee the whole line, starting with a Superman movie. Nolan, in turn, hired Snyder to direct Man of Steel, which the Dark Knight filmmaker produced. So another poison could have started with Dark Knight Rises. The role of Robin at the final swing of Dark Knight Rises, promising him a future as Nightwing, as a DCEU Hero. All Bas has to do is commit to three DC films, same as Christian Bale. Only Bas knows the DCEU is a shit show, and any promises Jeff makes are in a poisoned chalice. Just a couple of ideas, of course. But I think you did leave too much on the table. Edit: There wasn't even an offer of continuing Harry Potter as a character in future films, leaning on his close relationship with the Leavesdown crew to keep him Peter Panning as his most famous character in an alternate Fantastic Beasts or Quidditch through the Ages or a Deathly Hallows follow up relating to Grindelwald.

David Karlsson

A well thought out offer. I agree it either feels like Robinov is intentionally trying to get Bas to decline for some reason or he believes MC is incredibly naive. He should already know Bas has bad blood with Venit from the failed schemes a decade prior. He should know Bas has keen business sense from the netflix deal and marketing stunts for WB. He should know Bas keeps a tight knit inner circle, suggesting he gets rid of his whole team like that doesn't make sense. The only thing that makes sense is he's just as eager crush Bas underheel as making him a WB stooge. But even so MC should be a better resource for Jeff than a run of the mill midbudget romcom or franchise actor. They've made stars of less talented people with less name recognition after all


The Venit thing I don't necessarily mind, since Robinov might not be aware of it (agency infighting), or might have felt Venit was a better shark for Bas than Anita. The entire team though, that would get anyone's back up.