EG Series - Wife Sci-Twi (Date at the library?!) - V.1,2,3,4 - V.B. (Patreon)
Here is what was promised! Sci-Twi is definitely excited, but not for us?! she saw a new library and she invited us on a date... to this new library :( ... I always imagined something romantic with her, but well, she's still very cute, and obviously we must be aware that her excitement and love for books will always be with her ^^. It's something we like about her! Even so, she expressly asked us to accompany her, as she wanted to experience this first time in that library with us ^^
Guys, as you can see, I've added 8 images, although they are actually 4. The second quartet of images really is a version with which I'd like to know your opinions: in the first 4 images, I've added an accessory of the dress which are those golden rings, while in the last 4 images, the dress doesn't have those rings. What do you think? Does it look better with or without rings?
I hope you like it guys!!}
>> next: alts and nudes :D
>> next next: fshy daki, shadow5, wife dash, daki dash, coloratura, sunset and more!!