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Here is finally our beautiful yoga trainer!
Coloratura has been training with us almost every day, so we need a moment to rest, right? So we accept the bottle of water, however, it seems that she can't avoid those moments of fail XD, maybe she spilled some water on her shirt? yay!

Accepting the fact that Coloratura is not a very requested character as I said before, she is still someone great to bring back from time to time ^^, besides, there are people around here who are big fans of her! I know because I've seen the names and some comments XD.

But well, I hope you like this drawing, with that little fail bonus I added to her third image. As for the outfit, I decided on something simple. You would agree that people don't wear outlandish outfits to do yoga, right? XD

>> next: alts and nudes! :D

>> next next: bridal luna, remake rarity, sunset explicit v2, dakimakura twi and more!! :D (NOT IN ORDER)




Ooh my. She looks cute in second image with that smile. And her face in third image of water spill fail. See you inserted the [Epic Fail] symbol also from the series. Good job on her bro. Now to see if in rar release she like to teach a bonus lesson, one on one. ;)


Eh, I think some watchful bystanders would view this more as an epic win instead. Rara's definitely regretting her choice of top for working out!


Oooooooo beautiful!!!!


She needs more water to spill XD Give her more bottles! 8D


thank you very much! to tell you the truth I had completely forgotten about that fail symbol, so only 3 minutes before publishing the drawing, I did it quickly and added it hehe


Exactly! For us it is an absolute victory! I also wanted to add that symbol that if you remember, appeared in a short EG fails xd