EG Series - Bridal Princess Luna! - V1,V2,V3 (B.V.) (Patreon)
Hear that? It's the wedding bells!
The Bridal theme has been an undisputed success throughout my time drawing different themes. Without a doubt your comments and likes help me to know what I should focus on in the short and medium term, and the Bridal theme is one of them.
Obviously and something important, is to know how and when to do the themes, because if I always do the same thing (for example, every day a Bridal girl), eventually everyone would get bored and it would be very repetitive even for me to draw the same theme over and over again. Besides, I am a believer that the good things are “limited” (by limited I mean drawing them every so often and not every day XD).
But well, I am happy this theme has been a success and that you like it! Because today Luna is dressed in her wedding dress and is waiting at the altar for her prince charming! I can confirm that Celestia will also have her Bridal version obviously! You decide, would you like to see more girls like the Dazzling or some secondary character in this theme? ^^.
Anyway, I hope you like it!! :D
>> next: alts and nudes!
>> next next (NOT IN ORDER): bridal celestia, suri palomare, sunset remake, octavia remake, starlight, roseluck and more!!