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WIP WIP Work in PROGRESS! hee hee .. Remember this is a WIP, and the end result may change ^^

IMPORTANT: Patreon bug

hi all! Patreon has a bug and some users are being blocked with no reason..  Solution? I've send a email to Patreon, and I'm waiting for the reply.. but for the moment, as I see, this problem has not occurred.

To try solve this problem, I have an idea but I want to know your opinion.. for the future pics, I would like to send Patreon's drawings to your emails. Why? If this problem occurs, the users who supported the month, it can't see the drawings. And I think that's not fair!

However, what do you think? Would you feel comfortable if I send the drawings to your emails, or do you want to continue upload the drawing here? I just hope they fix that bug soon.




Nicole Sunstone

I wouldn't mind the pictures being sent through email or even shared through something like Google Drive. :)


I would rather them be on here than sent email.

W. C.

Emails probably wouldn't be a good idea unless you obscured the recipient's addresses using bcc since email addresses are considered a form of PII (at least that's what my manager tells me)...


The option is to send the drawing one by one, so emails are not revealed.