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Extremely WORK IN PROGRESS... next drawing? yes.. and its rarity time -- REMEMBER: work in progress!! WIP WIP WIP

what do you think looks better? 1.- open eyes ... 2.- semi open ... 3.- both xD

PS: Remember vote for this month's H drawing. See the poll :)




1 for normal, 2 for semi- and full nude


Guys, I know that this drawing looks "weird" in that position. But you will understand it in final work.


hey Barricade, on one occasion, I read you prefer semi nudes, is that true?


Usually I'd say both, but 2 wins here for me. It suits her character best whether clothed, semi-clothed, or not!


It depends on the context: normally I would prefer the number 1; if instead she is making the cat spiteful then absolutely the number 2 PURRRR!!! = ^ ω ^ =

W. C.

I guess it depends on what Rarity's doing, but let's go with the bedroom eyes (2) :)