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Uy! xD .. Gothic fluttershy?? rocker fluttershy? hehe.. I love this outfit.. so, I need to draw her you know?? Many want to see Luna and Celestia ... HEY !! Do not worry, their turn will eventually arrive! Besides, i already add Celestia, Cadance and Luna to my list :)..

Anyway, I hope you like it!! Cheers!




WOW! COOL!!! = ★ ₒ ★ =

Nicole Sunstone

Definitely could go for some lewds of this look!


Nude versions are always welcome!


For the moment I will wait for more opinions ... I still have to do Cheerilee and Starlight (both with semi nudes and nudes versions ) :)

W. C.

I haven't seen the CYOAs yet, so I have no idea what this is about. But it's looking good!


thanks dude! the next pic will be Cheerilee ^^ .. Probably on Tuesday I will upload the drawing.


If I see that more users request it, I could give it priority. Otherwise, I would continue with the drawing of Cheerilee and Starlight first, both drawings have nudes obviously xD (this Fluttershy pic nudes would be for the next month I guess.. Or just one nude pic from this Fshy drawing but in a H drawing.).. what do you think?


Yes! Gothic fluttershy! 😍


I would like a nude of this one as well


Agreed with above, NSFW or H-version would be nice :)