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Thank you guys for your support!! I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me! :D - I hope you like it ^^! Cheers!

>> next: Bridal Starlight

>> next next:  Sunset gamergirl (2) + Explicit!, Sonata, Twi-Sci (normal and explicit!) and more! :D


Joshua Munoz

The shots look gorgeous! Great work.


Very nice. Though you provide *so many* versions that it takes a while to figure out which ones I want to keep. XD


oops my bad x) .. Hmm, maybe i can do a poll to ask what versions do you like the most. So i can focus only in the most important versions instead of 10000000 different versions but without interest :/


This came out very good! I feel like you managed to take your expertise and translate to this somewhat different genre quite well. This one is a step forward in your recent delve into more explicit content!


Alternate versions story incoming! The lone staffer at the animal shelter needs extra bodies for morale-boosting purposes. Who wants to volunteer their time for this task?


hey hey!! XD.. thanks man!! Yes, I really liked drawing! I think Fluttershy's "shy but naughty girl" scene was perfect in this drawing! I'm glad you liked it! ^^


Doppy did it again, though at least now Fluttershy can tell when it's him! XD I loved that story bro!! ^^ 10/10 :D


DAAAAAWWW!!! She's so adorable 😘 Even when she does "stuff," it's anything but crass 🥰


hehe yay!! many thanks Petardo!! ^^ .. I always try to make these "explicit" versions that are nice to see ^^