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Hi guys! *0*!

Sorry for the delay, but finally here is the Sci-Twi Library animation! This animation consists of the following videos:

>>Tier 2: One video clothed Explicit version - full animated with sound! 

>>Tier 3: Two videos clothed and full nude Explicit version - full animated with sound!

I really hope you like it! This work would not have been possible without the help of @maximussoliniv2 , so thank you very much!!!

And hey, do you think that's the end of the animations? You are wrong!  We are already in talks for the next animation :D! So hey, will it be possible to convert the animations as new rewards? OMG ^^


Markus Frisén

I also become a member today and I would like to ask (politely) if there is a chance to get the older emails as well. Fluttershy, Gamergirl Sunset and this one.


That rhythmic movement, that voice. . . I would say she almost hypnotized me 😇 😍 🥴 🥰 😻 😘


Hi Markus, right now im gonna send the files (give me 10 minutes). Yes, Fshy, Sunset and Twi are includes ^^


hehe thanks Petardo!! This animation really turned out better than I imagined! :D .. im really glad you liked it!

Midnight Strike

Sorry about before. Please can I have the files for Sci Twi and Gamer Sunset Shimmer?

Cosmic Breeze

Heh, looks like I'm in the same boat as others are since I didn't realize how you did things. May I get the emails as well? For Sci-Twi, Sunset and the Fluttershy one?


I always recommend to send me messages before subscribing here on Patreon, I have it written in the "about charlieXe" anyway ^^ . I see you cancelled pledge even before it was processed, so your money will be refunded (in case there are any problems with Patreon, I have the screenshot). I'm sorry but I won't be able to send you the files. Regards!