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FIXED: Fixed a problem of "body and head proportions" :)

And here we are finally with the drawing! As I said, this drawing I had done some time ago, but I have added many more things that you will see in the other versions hehe, besides I have changed a couple of things in this drawing. Also as I said in the previous post, I will add the original versions of both characters as a bonus and believe me, you won't want to miss it! :D

I know that many of us, and yes, I include myself, are fans of Lemon Zest! So you can start preparing engines for a future Lemon drawing! I have many ideas in mind from past themes that would be perfect for her, or maybe a new one, who knows XD. Anyway, I hope you guys like this drawing!

>> next: alts and nudes! :D}}

>> next next: Applejack Explicit!, Aria Blaze (power of siren!), Explicit pinkie pie, Sunset and more!!! :D




The Shadowbolts’ wildest duo enjoying a waterside excursion? Depending on what or where they’re sitting, this could go in either direction - especially in upcoming alternate versions!

Evil Fairy

There are some absolutely delectable curves on display here...zap apples might not be a thing in the human world, but a think a nice Indigo Zap peach would be even tastier! ^^ And Lemon's smile is just too cute! Lovely work, thank you! <3


oooh i liked that idea XD .. yeah, maybe can be a waterside excursion of Crystal Prep hehe, ooff.. and Doppy is with them!!


yay thanks to you Evil Fairy!! <3 -Completely agree, I think here Indigo peaches would be a spectacular thing to take a closer look at XD .. ^^

Crawling Chaos

A most fine appetizer to the coming main course! I'm chomping at the bit during this sweet sweet wait!!!


Hehe omg ^^. Well you right 😁.. this set in comin with some surprises!!


Really like Lemon in this one