Power Ponies! - Attack and Trapped! - V1,2,3 - B.V. (You wanna set?) (Patreon)
>> Important: this drawing is an inspiration of Uotapo's drawing: Trapped by uotapo on DeviantArt
Hi guys! first of all, Im really sorry for not being able to send the Twi set today :( , the reason is Photoshop gave me problems again and i will need to re-install it. However there is nothing to worry about, the set is finished, i just have to take the images from PS and I will be able to send you the set without problems in the next days (tomorrow or Thursday).
To make up for this, here is a little drawing I made, obviously, its inspired by a Uotapo's drawing that I really liked XD.
Here i have an important question: this Power ponie drawing currently has no "alt versions",
>> Would you like a set of this drawing? <<
It would be an additional set of Twi remake that I uploaded a few days ago, so it would be 2 totally new sets instead of 1! (Note: i that case, i will need a couple additional days to send you the Power Ponies set too ^^).. You decide! ^^
Comment this drawing and let me know if you want a set of this drawing too :D!
>> next: alts and nudes of EG Series - Her smile Twi! (Remake/Redo)
>> next next: alts and nudes of Power Ponies drawing?? + Limestone, Rarity, Sunset, Trixie and more! :D