(Poll) Wich LoL Character would you like to see ?
- Ahri 7
- Irelia 6
- Gwen 4
- Jinx 1
- Katarina 6
- Xayah 2
- Akali 5
- Kai'sa 3
- Sona 1
- Kindred 0
- Miss Fortune 3
- Soraka 7
- Syndra 3
- Riven 0
- Lux 0
- Fiora 1
- Other ( Put in comments if possible ) 2
Currently working on a massive gym/public exposure image dump on a lot of league champions , I was wondering what champions would you like to see the most ?
( Multiple answers allowed )
This poll may affect my following work any time I do league of legends content.
Based on the most popular champions on R34 .