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Jen invites Alice over for lunch, but a sudden scooter break-down makes a normal drive into a perilous journey... especially when Alice gets some help from locals eager to see their favorite celebrity give their restaurants a good word!



Jen seems to be the only one who can still stay on her feet for a decent amount of time


Pour one out for Laurie. 😥


I really like Kayla and Jody. I hope those two beauties end up rollable.


unf great set-up here, using Alice's demolished Mobility Scooter like a feeding-themes ride of constant pampering and indulging. Also agree with Gothicserpent on Jody and Kayla growing more and becoming increasingly content with their own growing size (that Jody was almost jealous of Alice using a scooter, while Alice is dealing with her own internal struggles, was a very hot inclusion) Looking forward to Alice now having to cope without having a mobility scooter at all, at least until she can get hooked up with Laurie's model!


You know that saying, 'It takes a village to raise a child'? It seems like Los Hermanos believes in that approach. At least when it comes to feeding a greedy-guts like Alice.


If they keep feeding her like they are, they're gonna put her on the map! 😉