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Linda is an overweight corporate executive who just keeps getting bigger as she getting rising up the corporate ladder. But Linda can't keep her appetite in check and that's about to get her in big trouble when she stuffs herself to her absolute limits on big greasy bean burritos right before the big meeting with the company's board.  Now she's not just bloated... she's gassy as well.  Can she avoid the ultimate embarrassment?

This is the (relatively) version of the story involving stuffing, stuckage, and flatulence.  Be aware before reading!



Oh my god, I love this. Great work! I'm glad you aren't afraid to feature gassy protagonists. It's one of my favorite parts of wg fiction but a lot of authors tend to shy away from it. You handle it delightfully!

watt smith

This story seems somewhat dirtier than the original. Probably because of the laser like focus. The original was far more readable for someone such as myself who finds flatulence abhorrent since there was so much more going on. Of course I realize I'm not the target audience, but I'm a little disappointed to find it so distilled. Hope that was constructive somehow.


This one was a specific request, so it does focus more on the gas than I usually do. Though I still cleaned it up a bit for public consumption, this version does omit the messier elements! Thanks for the feedback, I'll be posting other non-flatulent stories as well shortly, so hopefully that will be more to your liking :)

watt smith

Hope this comment shows up where I meant it to. MC, what I meant to say was this story didn't seem to be as broad/deep as your usual fare - now that I think of it that might be because I tried to skip the icky parts. Anyway, looking forward to your next post as always!


Would love hear how depressed she got after this and Gained more weight - maybe with some help from her secretaries.