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Jen and Laurie talk on the phone to discuss their plans. But each of these two swollen sweeties has their own secrets that they don't want the other to find out.  Jen tries to broach the subject of mobility scooters, but instead finds herself wondering about the identity of Laurie's mysterious third in her threesome. Who could it be?



This was really kinky! Laurie and Jen have become such perverts. I really hope you give some focus to develop Jen's new kink of butt worship and stuckage in upcoming chapters. And as for Jealous Jelly Jen wondering "who is the girl having a threesome with Laurie".... Well, I'm hoping beyond hope that she'll find the answer to be "Jenny the Pear"~


haha I don't know when it will happen, but it is canon that Laurie and Frank do have occasional threesomes with Jen as adults.


This was sensational! Really really great. I can't wait for lil' Nancy Drew Jen to snoop around, haha, so fun.