A Big Slip, Part 2 (Patreon)
Occasionally, as some of you may have realized, I get inspired to look back at some of the weight gain stories that most inspired me to start writing my own fiction.... and sometimes I get so inspired that I feel the need to try and add my own "spin" on the classics! I've done this in the past with some of my old faves like Preggy Peggy (original version by Dr.Fred) as well as Kelli's Big Belly and Val (both by anonymous authors). Today I felt compelled to try to write my own take on another old fave, The Slip (by y2qwert on deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/y2qwert/art/The-Slip-740864483 )
Tracy might have put on some winter weight, but she's far from fat, right? Well, not for long... As she leaves home this morning, Tracy finds herself overcome with a strange, insatiable hunger... and even stranger, everything that she eats seems to instantly manifest on her body as instant weight! How big can she get in just one day of extreme binging?
No disrespect meant to Y2qwert, whose original work is stellar and I encourage everyone to go read it as well! This is just my little homage to a classic of this genre :)