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After an evening of hot hot sex talk, tensions between Laurie and Jen reach a boiling point and it seems like these two besties might actually be something more... Meanwhile, Alice deals with troubled dreams about their upcoming TV appearance!

When I first starting writing Alice stories so many many years ago, I was much less comfortable writing about sex than I am now. And I was especially much less comfortable writing about lesbian sex! It's ironic considering what I'm into, but I think it was much easier back then to convince myself that an interest in girls gaining weight was, you know, a totally normal aesthetic preference, nothing sexual about that at all! It wasn't until much later that I came to terms with some stuff. Even then, I had trouble writing lesbian scenes because it always felt like something that was forced and gratuitous.  I hated stories where characters suddenly started doing girl-on-girl stuff seemingly out of the blue and I made a big deal that that certainly would NOT happen in my story. I think this chapter... has been a long time coming. It's something I've hinted at before, but I don't think I was ready to write this for a long time. I guess I'm ready now.  I know I take this this silly porn story too seriously, but I sublimate a lot of my own issues through my writing so... it can be very personal to me XP I hope you all enjoy it, though! :)



Very nice! We all know Laurie doesn't care anymore who services her sinful needs, but I wonder how Jen will feel when she sobers up. xD Also, I loved the counter-intuitive logic of Alice's dream. Interesting that she seems to enjoy being big but not heavy.

Juzza Girl

having been a fan since Alice 1, it's always lovely seeing your writing grow along with you <3 great stuff again!