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Having got my new year's gig done smoothly and rested up since, I'm back into the art and I have 3 pictures on the go right now. One will be a public piece, with another inspired by a fairly recent game character!

Leaning into a more poster like theme with the first 2 so style and composition is the key and both should be ready within the next 12 days or so!

Hope everyone here had a good new year in the meantime.

Expect an interesting poll to show up at the end of the month!

More than anything, I just wanted you all to know I'm still working hard to bring the best paw related art I can despite my other commitments. Hope you like what's to come ^^


Kunoku The Proto

Frankly, with the quality of the art that you produce, it’s amazing to me that you put out so many pieces every year.