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Early Feb I will have a YCH coming involving some familiar faces!

Just wanted to bring some eyes on it ahead of time, as there will be 10 single character slots available for the picture when it arrives.
Will also have my own unique Patreon version arriving first, so everyone knows exactly what the situation is before a commitment is made.

Patreon's will get 1st dibs. If slots are not filled within the month, then I will go public with the offer.
Rules will come with the full post very soon!



I"m up for a slot


You will have to wait and see the full template before you fully commit, but there are plenty of slots right now (and if it's super popular, I could always make more)!


Diesel's looking like a happy puppy here, which means they're definitely up to some awful mischief... Very excited to see what they're up to!