Patreon Update (Patreon)
Hi everyone! I recently resolved an issue where my patreon was under review for rule violations. I was asked to remove my personal audio tier reward and remove some of my audios. They gave me two examples (Kissing a Pouty Boy in Detention + M4M Sneaking into you Room) and told me to remove them and audios similar to them (although I’m not entirely why they singled those ones out). I ended up deleting 3 other audios to be safe (Poisoning You to Take Care of You, Blackmailed by my Gorgeous Co-worker and Making a Porno together.)
Everything is resolved now, I just wanted to give you all a head’s up. Those audios are gone from my Patreon, but you can find most of them on my reddit and all of them are now public on my soundgasm. I’m also gonna be reworking my tier rewards for next month. I’ll probably drop a poll or another text post this month to bring you into my brainstorming process!
Thanks for reading! I hope all you sweet, sexy people are doing well and I'm looking forward to recording some new stuff this week 😉 💖