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  • Ramble_1_-_November_... - audiogram.mp4



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This is perfection in my books ^_^ bc imperfect can be more perfect than striving for perfection. Me, good old Haru, is proud of you ♥️. First of all its no shame in getting help with work, this lifts a weight from your shoulders and lets you breath a bit more. Dont burn yourself out, life is too short, life tought me that too many times this year and yea we have to work for a living but we shouldnt break under that pressure. Kinda feel like a hypocrite for saying that but i am also learning xD. You did great being there for an elderly lady, i admirer that, bc i know from work that its not easy and not everyone can handle that, so proud of you for that💕and i am sure that she was happy having you and can now rest in peace. It just showes what an amazing and warm heart you posses and i hope that nobody ever trys to steal that away from you. Hope that your work as a freelancer VA, even tho the road might be bumpy sometimes, will always bring you joy and happieness. Please never stop dreaming, bc it can be the fuel that keeps us going and pays of in the end. All in all you are an amazing person and everyone who knows you can call themselfs lucky to have you in their lifes. Stay healthy, treat yourself bc you deserve it and enjoy every moment ♥️ i know how it is to give up your freedom and happiness for the sake of others and doing a job that is not meant for you and drains you. I moved back in with my grandpa after my grandma died, bc nobody was willing to do it to help him, they only show up when they need money which is sad. I work full time as a nurse in a nursing home and part time in an hospital, and help him as best as i can. Edit: you are not disappointing anyone here 🫂you are a strong and amazing woman, may all your days be filled with sunshine 🌞


I'm sorry to hear you lost someone in your life, my condolences ❤ Thank you for sharing the ramble of what's going on with you and what's going on with your audios. Looking forward to listening to them when you release them. Can I say, as hard as it was for you to leave the background noise, I enjoyed listening to the city around as you were talking.


Don't fret about potential topics you ramble about being "uninteresting". That's kinda the point of a ramble after all. We like to hear what's on your mind, no matter how mundane the topic.


This was much a great rumble none the less Storm. Personally I don't mind that it's not perfect audio and that we can hear the background I believe that you should do them like this. I can't wait to hear the rest of the ideas you picked you for the audios I bet that they are amazing and that you will make them out of this world. I am glad to hear that blue is helping you with the script writing and that you both are working together he has amazing writing style like yours. Glad to hear that you life with your family for now because i believe its important to be with them even for some time and that you help eachother even tho you cant record some audio or re do them over and over because of the noise. I wish i could help you with the move but i will send you positive vibes and energy your way and its good that you have friends in the city you move they can help you settle in and get to know the town quickly.I am sorry to hear about the lady that she passed away it's awful when we lose someone we cared and loved for I believe in spirits and the afterlife as well and I hope that she is much better place with her loved ones and that she is young and free. Thank you for this amazing ramble Storm it was a pleasure to listen to during my walk and as for my Halloween it was kind of the same as yours enjoying some yourube video, movies and I was happy to hear that you went shopping and about your care routine it was a pleasure to listen to everything you say.


I complete agree with you on all points there Haru, and I am glad to hear that you are there for your grandpa and everyone else in that home and hospital you work in you have my highest respect.


You’re doing an amazing job Storm! Keep trusting the process❤️ Remember… before the rainbow, comes the Storm!😉


I like your yapping, to me ramble no need to be fun for every topic or be perfect, hearing what you did feel natural, you can be relax with it.

Sarin 031

In regards to your intro, I really wish I could insert the Homelander "perfect" gif haha. I hope you find a nice quiet place to work, you do a lot to help with our stress levels, so it's only fair you get the chance to lower yours. Cursing bloopers are my favorite tbh lol. I'm sorry to hear you feel lonely, that's literally the worst. And I'm very sorry to hear that your friend died 😔. I personally very much enjoyed this ramble. Thank you for being you and I hope you have a great day !


"This is what you get when you ask me for a ramble." - Ma'am, this is exactly what we want. 🫡 You won my heart with this ramble. Who are you? Are you me? You have no idea how much I relate to you. Let’s blame the star sign. I'm a perfectionist too, which contradicts the part of me that loves the mess. I want to make things perfect for others, to please them—without realizing that in doing so, I’m losing a part of myself. Thank you, It Rains Blue. It’s good to know that you have someone to help you now. We see how much you work, and you deserve a moment to breathe. A dad? What’s that? (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Jokes aside, I never knew my father, so seeing people with happy, healthy relationships with their dads is honestly refreshing. I was just relaxing in the sun with my dogs and cat when this came through—it felt like a message from heaven. The past few weeks have been chaotic, with my plans to move to Italy delayed, and things aren’t going well. Honestly, in all this mess, your audios have helped me relax and get the rest I need, so I wanted to say thank you, Storm. 🤍 And please, take care of yourself too. Forgive my own ramble here. 😅 I can’t wait to see what you have for us this month. To end, here’s a quote I love (though I apologize for not remembering the author): "You are a poet. You work so hard on your poems, you want every line to be perfect. But I want the mess. I want something that you can’t put into words."


I don’t know about “uninteresting”, but your rambles really make you more relatable. Especially when you’re sharing tidbits of your life. Listening to you speak, unconsciously made me reply at some point in this ramble (the part where you mentioned that you have to wait for your dad to leave so you can record an audio and wanting to dress like Wednesday) and look at the seat next to me. Also, my deepest sympathies on the passing of your friend.


Perfectionists always see their own mistakes but to us, the listeners, the content you put out is the complete form of that content. We see the whole while you stress over the details. It's why it's important to sometimes take a step back and just... look at the whole of the thing you're working on, but I understand just how difficult that can be especially in a media such as voice work where there's no quick way to get an overview of a project. I personally appreciate the sheer amount of effort you put into your work and while nothing is ever perfect, you're my favourite ASMR creator for a reason! Because you care so deeply about what you make for us, and we feel it in everything you create, that passion. And hey, we all voted for rambles, so just ramble, we love hearing your voice after all. What I'm trying to get across, I think, is that perfection doesn't exist, but pursuit of it is felt by all of us who appreciate your efforts. Sometimes it's the unplanned things that end up being meaningful. I'll always smile at that little "Oops" in the Dom Classmate Part 3 that I'm so glad you kept in the audio. Have fun with what you do. We feel it in your art. Don't be hard on yourself. We love your work. I'm really happy to hear that you're getting help with your work. The last thing we want is for you to burn out or stress out over this. It is indeed not healthy. While I voted for poetry reading, I'm super happy that it ended up being a ramble instead, because getting this insight into your life means a lot to me personally. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn who you are behind the characters. Makes it all the more meaningful to know the artist behind the art. And your audios have helped me through a lot in these past months. You mention imperfections a bit, and I want to mention that kintsugi is also an artform. Flaws are important to be able to appreciate the whole, and sometimes those flaws and imperfections can elevate the art. It makes it feel human, genuine. Lastly, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thank you for sharing all of this with us. We're here for you. I'll keep both of you in my thoughts today. This became a bit rambley on my own, but I wanted to give a proper response. Thank you again Storm<3

Matias Hansen

❤️❤️more of this please❤️❤️


you are an amazing person Bugii🫂 💕 you heve my respect and gratitude for your kind and encouraging words, you are a true hero who spreads kindness 💕 my grandpa raised me, was and is my biggest supporter when i came out, so i am beyond grateful to have him in my life and be there for him ^-^ as for my patients they are mostly nice, but being so popular amongst them is a bit much sometimes for my introverted soul XD


I’d love to hear about the bloopers! There’s so much beauty in imperfections and little flaws—they’re what make you uniquely ✨you✨. Honestly, perfection is so overrated. The ramble allows you to connect with your listeners on a personal level, giving them a glimpse of the real person behind each of your characters. So thank you! It feels as if I’m catching up with an old friend.


Bear with me, this comment is a bit long and jumps around a bit: I'm happy that you reached out and found people who could help you because it is a lot of work, no matter how much you like something, you need to be able to take a step back and breathe a bit. Being outside is a nice change of pace, just taking in the air, feeling direct sunlight and sometimes sitting in the grass is a huge mood reset. Blooper reels are one of my favorites to listen to just because of how chaotic it can get sometimes. Overall, very endearing for me to listen to. Grief is something I'm still working through myself, so thank you for, I guess, bringing it up. Wasn't expecting to tear up at this ramble but it gave me a bit of relief. Again, thank you for posting this ramble, it sounded like it was a little out of your comfort zone but I'm glad that you did. As another homebody, sounds like you treated yourself and had "you time" that you needed. Hoping that apartment hunting goes well, that feeling of being stuck can be kind of consuming, and the amount of stress both can give can be disheartening. But I believe in you, good things will come your way and it'll have worked out for the best.

david becerra

Liked the more natural video (perfect in its imperfection in a way🤣). Always funny hearing people pronounce my name in another lenguage (jk, It was good 😜) sorry to hear about your friends passing but at least she's in a better place now. I've been following you for a while and Im glad I can now at least offer my grain of salt to help. Im eager to see (or in this case hear😅) more of your work. Stay safe


Awww you are too kind Haru. You are amazing person as well and I always try to show kindness even in my darkest hour but I have you, Storm and this wonderful community. I am glad to hear that he has showed you support and love in your adventures and tie of needs. I understand about your parents glad to hear that they are nice to you as well.Ssnding you tons of hugs and love 🫂❤️🫂💙


Another fantastic audio, Storm! Thanks for sharing this ramble and giving us insights into your life. I absolutely relate to what you said about perfectionism. I too suffer from it and the desire to please people. It's honestly been holding me back with a few creative endeavors of mine, as I want them to be presentable but was always afraid of not meeting the standards of others. I am quite impressed how you have been able to record these audios in a noisy apartment and have the final product sound so clear! I don't think you have to worry about being perfect with us. Out of all of us, you're probably the most professional one here. Nice to hear you got help from it_rains_blue_here. His scripts, like yours, have never disappointed, and I look forward to hearing what you both bring to the table. My condolences for the lady you have been taking care of. It was admirable of you to help her, and I am sure she's at peace now. Thinking of similar things have helped me when I have lost loved ones, such as imagining them sipping cocktails with their favorite celebrities. Anyway, I think I am close to the limit on my comment. Thanks again for the ramble. Keep up the good work, own that Wednesday Addams look, and good luck with moving. (Also, it may not be my place to say this, but I hope you will try to stop vaping in the future. Ecigs can cause a number of throat and lung issues, and I would like you to keep doing what you love for as long as possible.)


Let it be known that I have like 6 attempts at writing comments lol. The real challenge for myself is not overworking something because its never fully done in my mind. Im glad you're delegating a bit too, last thing we would want is that it gets too overwhelming and working on audios causes more stress than its worth. As someone who has also just moved to my own place in the last year since basically forever, all I can say is hang in there. Feeling like I was stuck for so long really drained my enthusiasm for life, but since finally gaining my independence and making progress toward becoming the master of my life this year has been absolutely worth that pain. You have the talent and the work ethic, so once the circumstances line up with that and you get rolling, I truly believe nothing will stop you. Thanks for the insights, and have a lovely weekend Storm :)

Luna Rainfell

It can be shockingly difficult to "act naturally", especially when you've gotten used to editing out your goofs. It's great that you've got someone to take some of the workload off your shoulders, heavens know I could use some of that. I wouldn't even know how to begin looking for a knew place to move, especially since I don't make enough to live on my own. I'm also sorry for your loss, I have no idea how I'd respond in that situation. I hope wherever your friend is, that she's fully herself and happy again.

Message in a bottle ASMR

Thanks! I am also impressed I have been able to record these audios here but I do sometimes just work at night when it's quieter... it was even worse when I used to live in a big city.


You're quite welcome. I imagine it was much harder doing it there. I used to live in a large metro area myself, next to a busy road and an airport. Sleep was hard to come by.

September Dexter

I'm glad you were able to recognize the signs of potential burnout and actively sought help to ease the burden. It's something I struggled with in my 20's and there were some hard times in my life that could have been easier if I had thought to talk to someone or asked for help. I prefer the unedited raw style of a ramble. You're not trying to create a fictional escape for the listener. Its more of a one-way conversation and I hope you can use it as a way to get things off your chest to sympathetic listeners that you'll likely never meet in person.


Thank you, it means a lot. 🤍 I hope things will go smoothly for you as well. 🥰


Your welcome dear and thank you for accompanying me during my walk I enjoyed this audio.


Authenticity is beauty itself. I love the imperfection Storm. You will always have our support. I understand where you’re coming, I too look for approval when I don’t necessarily need to. Awesome to hear about the scriptwriter addition. I love that you’ve found a way to lower the load on yourself while also elevating your content!! My condolences for your loss. Well wishes with the move and with everything as always, boss! ✌️🙂‍↕️


Dont know what to say that havent already been said by the other lovely people here in the comments. But i am super excited to say what the november will bring us from you Storm and imperfect Storm sounds perfectly real and cute. I am sorry to hear that you lost a important person.

Rose Reaper

I'm gonna keep it a stack of Benjamins, I completely understand the need to be perfect. Those imperfections that we let bother us oftentimes skews the user's perception of themselves and others. For me when I fuck up, I often think "what the hell are you doing?" And the many thoughts that follow aren't pleasant. Hearing someone feel something similar is comforting and I'm glad I ain't the only one. Doesn't help that I lost all my grandparents within the span of a year so my mental health is still recovering from that. It gets hard, but I have been getting better bit by bit and these audios I've had on repeat help me cope with it. Thanks so much for popping up in my feed and I hope that our days become less negative and a bit more on the positive.


We love you for it is in your heart my dear, just listen to it and let it answer ur questions 💝


This hits close to home lol just had to movie back in with my parents, it drives me nuts

Rose Reaper

It's alright. I can't wallow in grief forever so I gotta keep pushing forward. Otherwise their love would be wasted. Can't have that on my consciousness now can I? Besides! The worst thing I can do is allow myself to be caught up in my own emotions and forget who I am and who I'm meant to be.

Nicholas Crocker

I’m very sorry to hear about your loss, but I’m glad that she’s finally free of that illness. Also, good luck on your move! I’m also planning on moving soon, not far away, but it’s already a lot of work so I hope you have a stress-free go of it! I’m a very new patron, but I’m always thoroughly impressed with your content, even more so after learning how many things you have to work around! I love that I’m finally somewhat financially stable enough to support my fave creators so thank you for all the hard work!


Loved the ramble! (hadn't gotten around to listening till now) i am sorry for ur loss, as someone who lost my grandmother to alzheimers it was hard seeing her slowly deteriorate. I too am somewhat spiritual and hope she is in a better place. Best of luck with your moving endeavors storm, you got this! :D